Hi guys

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Hi guys, sorry haven't been posting any new chapters lately, so to apologize I will make an April Fools special chapter for yall.

I kinda forgot how to formulate a plot and storyline so bear with me for this-


Mala : "Where have you been?!?"

Me: "Out of my state of depression, so I'm back with new content and more inspiration cuz of the April Fools event Devsis has created for us." :'DD

-/-/-/-/-End of Bloopers-/-/-/-/-

... Ah, Aprils Fools, what a nice holiday where people get to prank each other. And we were certainly pranked with the event in CRK, I hope to get that anime-fied Gingerbrave pfp-

Anyway, let's go to the story now, shall we? (P.s, I wont add Y/n to this as this is a special chapter and basically like a refreshing break from making all those oneshots of Y/n.)

As you may already know, Poison Mushroom and Licorice have been pranking cookies all around town by giving them that rainbow mushroom and making em eat it. 

Heck, they even got the ancients and the legendaries to eat it, wonder how they managed to do that.

Hollyberry was laughing at Pure Vanilla and Dark Cacao, mainly because Pure Vanilla turned into a penny while Dark Cacao turned into a gnome. (Personally, out of all of them, Hollyberry is probably the only one who looks decent.)

Frost Queen still looked as stern as ever, while Sea Fairy... not so much. Sea Fairy now looked like a cute anime girl in her teenage years. Heck, almost all anime girls look like they are in their teenage years even if they are 20+.

I honestly can't believe that they managed to get Pomegranate and Dark Choco to eat a mushroom... pfft.. wait, wait WAIT POMEGRANATE IM SORRY FOR LAUGHING, DONT CURSE MEEEE-

Dark Choco... got jojo-fied..he might as well do that trend on Tiktok while he's still in that form.. 

Ahem... Licorice may or may not have accidentally eaten one of those rainbow mushrooms... let's just say he looks like a skeleton in a painting, that's all I'm going to say about him.

Where is Poison Mushroom you may ask? Well, their also eating a mushroom since they wanted to see what they look like, they look like themself but more... circular if that makes sense.

Affogato... where is he? *Looks around and spots him... pouring coffee on Wizard* AFFOGATO, DONT TRY TO TURN WIZARD INTO AFFOGATO-

We are very lucky that Caramel Arrow was there to stop him from making more mischief... might as well reward her with some boba...

Let's see... where to go next... ah yes, the academy. Academy here we come!

Latte, please marry me, I'll be the most perfect wife you'll ever have! Just give me a chance- Oh right, she isn't real, yet here I am reading fanfics about her and she's a damn cookie... a cookie with some nice fanarts tho...

Cream Puff! As cute as ever, whether in cookie form or anime form, not that useful tho, no offense Cream Puff. You do be kinda looking like Paimon-

How many cookies have I done now? That... I shall never know because I do not have the will to count how many.

So imma end the chapter here, but no worries, I'll continue it tomorrow... or sometime... pretty sure imma be busy tomorrow...

Anyway, thanks for reading my absolutely god awful book about cookies simping over yall and imma see yall next time.


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