First Meeting

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Today is Thursday, August 10, 2004, and it's 7:30 in the morning and I had just finished night school and went home. I opened the door and yelled to see if Uncle Derek was home from a mission, then I checked around the house, but he wasn't back yet. Instead of staying at home, I had decided to go to the FBI building and just do my homework there.

Once I arrived, I went inside and talked to the woman at the desk for a little bit, then she gave me a visitor's badge and I went to the elevator and before I went up I noticed that a young man was running to the elevator, so I stopped it before it went up to let him in. I noticed that he was going to press the same button I did but stopped once he noticed that I was already going there. It was a small moment of silence until I decided to introduce myself to him.

"Hi, my name is Karina Jones. What's your name?", I said.

"Hi, I'm uh I'm Dr. Spencer Reid um I'm Spencer you don't have to call me doctor. It's um nice to meet you.", he said

I could tell he was a little flustered when saying that, but I giggled because I thought it was adorable. The elevator doors opened and he walked out to find Hotch, but to his demise, the team was still on a mission. I walked up to him and asked, "Are you lost?"

He turned around and replied, " No, I'm just looking for the Unit Chief Aaron Hotchner."

That's when I had to tell him,

"Oh, I'm sorry to tell you this, but he and his team are still out on a mission. They will probably be back maybe later today or tomorrow."

I could tell that he was a little upset,

"Oh, I see", he said.

He started walking towards the door, but before he opened the door I yelled out

"Wait! I could call my uncle"

He didn't understand why I would call him, but I reassured him that it would help him. "Oh yeah, sorry I forgot you're new, my uncle is on the team with your boss. Anyways, let me call them, so we can get you situated."

He gave me a small smile then said "That'll be great thank you", I smiled at him back and replied "No problem". I pulled out my phone and texted Derek

Uncle Der <3

Me: Hey Uncle Derek is it okay if I could call you?

Uncle Der: Yeah you can call me? Why?

Me: Calm down, I just didn't want to cause a problem. But I'm gonna call you now OK.

Uncle Der: OK

A few minutes later I called Derek and I told him to put Hotch on the phone. Seconds later I heard Hotch and I told him

" Hey Hotch, I'm here with your new FBI profiler Dr. Spencer Reid and I was wondering if you'd want me to show him around and where he's gonna be working."

Even though I couldn't see him, I could tell that he forgot that he was coming in today.

"Dammit, I forgot that he was joining the team today. Uh yeah show him around and the desk closer to the stairs in front of Gideon's office is his desk. " he said, "Okay got it. Bye, and tell Derek I said bye ok" I replied. "Alright bye, and Derek said bye as well," Hotch said.

I got off the phone and showed Spencer where his desk was and I showed him around the office. Once I was done I sat down at Derek's desk and pulled out my homework and started work and studying for an exam that's on Monday. While I was studying I felt a presence, I looked up and it was Spencer reading my homework. I jumped a bit and that made him realize that I noticed him he apologized and started walking back to his desk, but I asked him

"How old are you, if you don't mind me asking," He said "No, I don't mind and I'm 22 I'm turning 23 this coming October.", "Cool, if I'm correct you are one of the youngest to join the FBI," I said.

He nodded and then asked me "How old are you?"

I then quickly replied "I'm 15 turning 16 in December" I saw the shock on his face and I started to turn red.

He looked at my homework and what I was studying and asked "Are you sure you are 15 because the work that you're doing looks as if I had done it ."

I laughed and told him " One, I am 15 and in college my last year to be exact, and two, if my math is correct you were also around my age in college right?", he then chuckled and nodded.

I was about to ask him a question, but Derek called me and told me that the team was on their way back. When the call ended Spencer had disappeared to the coffee station, when he came back he brought me a cup of coffee. I looked at him and smiled then grabbed the cup, he then said

"Before you drink it I added about three spoons full of sugar for you because I didn't know how much you'd like", I giggled and told him "I like about two to four spoons of sugar."

A few hours later the team came back to see Spencer and me talking about our experiences in high school and college, but before we finished our conversation Derek came behind me and hugged and kissed the top of my head. I could tell by the way Derek hugged me it was him, so I got out of the chair and gave him the biggest hug. I let go of Derek and introduced the team to Spencer, I said

"Spencer Reid this is Unit Chief Aaron Hotchner, SSA Jason Gideon, and my uncle SSA Derek Morgan, everyone this is Dr. Spencer Reid."

They all exchanged hellos and Derek asked me "When are your classes supposed to start?"

At that moment I reached for my phone to check the time and the time said noon; I then told him "I don't have class until 8 at night." Derek then told me "Well you need to get some sleep. I know that you don't want the teacher to call you out during class."

I nodded and went to the empty desk and took a nap. When I woke up I checked the time and I had two and a half hours before my class started, so I went to go tell Hotch, Jason, and Morgan goodbye, then I went up to Spencer and told him goodbye.

He said "You have to go now? You have two and a half hours before class starts. "

I said, "Yeah, I have to go change my clothes and eat."

I could tell he was upset that I had to go, but I didn't want to be late for class.

He said "Goodbye" in a sad tone.

As I was walking to the elevator Spencer ran towards me and entered the elevator and said "I know we have a 7 year age gap, you have school and I have work, and we just met, but I was wondering if you uh would like to uh like to go out on a date with me."

I was purely in shock and then I said "Yea, I would love that. How about on Saturday?"

He nodded his head in excitement and then the elevator doors opened and I left, but I smiled at him and waved him goodbye.

End of Chapter 

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