Stop Avoiding JJ

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8 months later

Spencer's POV

I woke to Scarlet crying at 5:37 in the morning, Karina was getting ready for work and she didn't hear her. As I was getting up I got a text from JJ saying we have a case, I checked it and rolled my eyes before getting up and walking to Scarlet's room.

I opened the door to see her sitting and crying in her crib, I walked over to her and picked her up. She slowly started to calm down as I walked to the kitchen to get her a bottle. She was holding her favorite stuffed animal, a teddy bear that Karina suggested that the name was Tommy.

Karina had gotten out some time ago and saw us in the kitchen.

"Hi, how is my little girl", she said

All Scarlet could do was smile, which always made us smile.

"As you can tell she's perfectly fine now, but good morning to you my dove"

"Good morning my genius, did you have a good night's rest"

"It was good until I got a text from JJ saying we have a case"

"Are you upset about the case or that JJ texted you?"


"But mainly JJ"

I turned away from her and continued to feed Scarlet

"Spencer, you need to forgive her, she did it for Emily's protection"

"So, you're not upset that she lied"

"I was, but I got over it, and you should too. Now give me her and go get ready while I make breakfast"


She kissed me and I went up to get ready. When I came back to the kitchen Scarlet and Karina were sitting at the table eating, I walked to the table and ate until Karina got up with Scarlet. She placed the dishes in the dishwasher and went to Scarlet's room.

Scarlet goes to work with Karina since they have a daycare. When she came back, Scarlet was wearing a yellow dress that had a bumblebee on it and had a bow in her hair.

"She looks so pretty"

"She picked it out herself, she doesn't like the bow though"

"She keeps on trying to take it off, doesn't she"

"Yeah, just like with her shoes"

I chuckled and put my dishes in the dishwasher and started it. I went to grab my bags and Karina yelled

"Spence can you grab Scarlet's go bag"


I grabbed the bag and we left the house. I placed scarlet's bag in Karina's car and I said goodbye and gave them both a kiss. I jumped into my car and drove to the BAU.

I was in the elevator reading a book when the doors opened and I saw JJ in the corner of my eye. I was trying to walk past her by speaking, but she asked,

"Hey Spencer where we're you this weekend, you missed weekly brunch"

"I was busy, do you know if Hotch is in?"

"Yeah, he's at the round table"

I continued walking to the table and sat down, I only looked up to look at my phone at a picture Karina sent me of her and Scarlet. I smiled and Derek noticed.

"What are you smiling at pretty boy?"

"A picture of Karina and Scarlet"

"Oh let me see, I haven't seen either of my nieces"

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