Bed and Breakfast

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Karina's POV

I was excited to see Spencer's apartment, but I was kind of nervous because I've never gone to someone else's home, and also it's my boyfriend's house. As we were driving Spencer had asked me,

"Hey, you okay?"

"Yeah, I'm good"

"Even though we've been dating for 3 weeks 4 days 15 hours and 46 minutes; I can tell when you're lying"

"Okay, it's just that I didn't think I would go to your place this early in our relationship. "

"I didn't think so either, but here we are"

"I'm happy that we are though"


"Because I can finally see where you live and just based on your home décor I can tell what your personality is."

"So, you just wanted to go to my place to see what type of personality I have"

"That and because I just want to be closer to you"

I froze once I realized what I said I looked over at Spencer who was smiling about what I said.

"You want to be closer to me", he said with a smirk

"Shut up, I didn't mean it like that, well I did mean it like that, oh you know what forget what I said", I said nervously

"That's the problem I literally can't forget it."

"I know, but ignore what I said, okay"

"Fine, I'll ignore it"

Soon we got to his apartment building, and my nerves were stronger than they were on the car ride here. We went up some stairs which was making me more nervous. We finally got to his door and he looked at me and asked,

"Are you sure you want to do this"

"Yes, it's just that I've never been to anyone's home besides Derek's house"


"Yeah, I would just mostly stay at home, go to the BAU, or school"

"Yeah, but what about other family member's houses"

"Oh, no trust me I would be there any day, what I mean is that because of Derek's job and that I'm technically just learning my way around Quantico we don't go anywhere."

"Oh, I understand"

"Yeah, but I'm okay trust me "

"Alright", he said with a small laugh

Before he opened the door he pulled me in, gently grabbed the side of my face, and kissed me. He pulled away and I kissed him back.

He opened the door and I finally got to see his home. His apartment was filled with books on top of books, but he had some furniture, and what surprised me the most was that he had a computer and a TV. Spencer showed me around his apartment starting from the kitchen then he said,

"So, what's my personality"

"What, oh yeah right, well if we start on the fact that you have so many books, you love to read, and it's kind of ironic with your last name being Reid."

"Yeah, I do love to read, and it is ironic I never noticed that."

"And the fact that you have a tv and computer completely shocked me"

"Wait, why?"

"Because based on the fact that you read more books I would think that you wouldn't have one or use one unless it's for work"

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