Meet the Family

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Spencer's POV

So apparently the beautiful restaurant that Karina took me to was her family's restaurant and the owner I found out was her father F.P. Jones. I was nervous because I had never thought I would meet him yet, but it was now or never I guess.

"Hi sir my name is-", I tried to say

"Spencer my daughter told me about you before y'all got here, she also told me that you work with Derek and your 23 today"

"Uh yes, yes that's true sir",

"I can tell already based on the fact that Sam like you and so does my niece", He said as he pointed to the red headed girl

"I know that you're perfect for my daughter, but if you hurt her-", He stopped talking when he looked at Karina who had a face of anger toward what her father was gonna say. She looked at me and said, "Ignore him please he's being extra overprotective of me right now. Dad you can stop acting like that trust me he's a nice guy"

F.P. went from his angered expression to a more gentle smile and said "okay princess".

He then held out his hand, I grabbed it, and shook it firmly; after he kissed Karina on the forehead like Derek would and left.

So, I met the rest of Karina's family, let me just say she said she had a big family and she wasn't kidding about that, after all the introductions and eating the birthday ice cream we left to Derek's, in the car Karina asked me,

"So, did you have a good birthday so far"

"Yeah I did, but what do you mean by so far"

"Oh no reason", she said with a big grin on her beautiful face that made me smile so bright, but I was still confused as to what she meant by so far.

When we got to Derek's place we walked to the door, she opened it, and told me to close my eyes. I closed them and she led me to what I remembered to be the kitchen, she then told me to open them and everyone yelled out surprise and happy birthday to me. I looked at Karina and pulled her close to me and said,

"So this is what you mean by so far"

With the biggest and cutest smile on her face she nodded her head. I leaned in and kissed her forgetting that my coworkers, boss, and girlfriend's uncle were watching. Until Derek said, while breaking us up

"Okay love birds"

We pulled away and a small giggle left her lips. I smiled and went to the small party and talked and ate more food, and dessert. When I took a bite out of the chocolate cake my eyes went wide because it was delicious, I looked at Derek and asked him,

"Who made this amazing cake"

"Why boy wonder you're dating the girl who made it, from scratch"

When he said that Karina made it I looked at her and she nodded her head and all I could think of was what can she not do.

After a few minutes of clean up we all gather in the living room and they had bought me gifts Hotch and Hailey had gotten me some new pair of converse, Gideon gave me a journal, Derek gave me some cologne, Penelope got me a purple scarf she had bought, and it was finally time for Karina to hand me the presents she bought. She quickly ran upstairs to grab them, when she came back down I was shocked at the fact she had gotten so many. I first unwrapped the largest present and saw that it was new limited edition books from my favorite author and the author herself had signed them, next I opened a box shaped present and it was a watch that I had been eyeing in the store, and I finally opened my last present and it was a dagger necklace that Karina once said that would look good on me. When I was done opening my present for Karina I got up from where I was sitting and grabbed Karina gently and held her in a hug for a good while and said,

"Thank you so much for the gifts and this has been the best birthday ever, all thanks to you." I kissed the top of her head.

And all I could hear around us was the teams' 'awws'

After a little while everyone left and it was just Karina, Derek and I there cleaning up all the decorations and putting up the food. When we were finished I saw Karina whispering in Derek's ear about something and he had nodded in response to her question, I guess. Karina walked towards me and asked me

"Hey Spence, Is it okay if I stay at your place again?"

"Yeah, you are always welcomed there anytime you want."

She smiled and ran upstairs to grab some things and change out of the dress. She came back down wearing a crewneck and some shorts, with converse. We said bye to Derek and left for my place. In the car, I looked over at a sleeping Karina. She looked so beautiful sleeping, when we arrived at my place I tried to wake her up, but she didn't budge. So I carried her bridal style from the car to the bedroom, laid her down on the bed , and took off her shoes. I took off my clothes and went to the bathroom to take a shower. When I got out of the shower I heard Karina talking in her sleep. I could tell she was scared and wanted to wake up, but she couldn't so I gently shook her until she woke up, sweating and crying. I held her and asked,

"Are you okay, do you want to talk about it?", she shook her head

"Are you sure you don't want to talk about it?", I asked again, just to make sure. Luckily this time she said,

"Yeah, I'm okay with talking about it", I smiled and nodded

"I sometimes get these nightmares of me and him."

"Wait, him like the person who almost uh-"

"You can say it Spence, the person who almost raped me, but in the nightmares he does and it's like if I can feel every moment of the torture and it", tried to talk, but she started to cry. I held her closer to me and made sure that she was comfortable with that. She pulled me closer and slowly stopped crying.

"Trust me Karina I would never and will never let anyone hurt you. I love you and I always will. Now, let me go and put some clothes on so I can hold you, please." She laughed and let go of me.

When I came back with some clothes on she grabbed me, we laid down together and talked for a little while until we both passed out. When I woke up she wasn't next to me, so I got up and looked for her. I found her cooking in the kitchen, she looked up and said

"Good morning", with a big smile, she ran, pulled me into a chair , and kissed me before heading back to the kitchen to finish cooking.

"Good Morning to you too", I said back, watching her in a very cheery mood.

When she came back out to the kitchen she had two plates of French toast sandwiches with scrambled eggs on the side. She ran back to grab coffee and orange juice and placed the coffee in front of me and the glass of orange juice in front of her.

I took a bite and looked at her and asked, "Karina, what is this?"

"It's a French toast sandwich, it's just French toast on the top and bottom and cheesecake filling in the middle. Why do you not like it?"

"No, no I love it, please make this again"

"Aw, I will I promise"

We ate and stayed in and watched Doctor Who. I was thinking about something and Karina noticed and asked me,

"Hey, what's my genius thinking of right now?"

"Oh nothing"

"Okay you are totally thinking of something right now, so spill or I'll force it out of you"

"Okay, I was thinking, what if you wanted to meet my mom maybe in the next few months?"

"Uh, yes Spencer I would love to meet the person who raised the love of my life"

"Love of your life?", I said in shock by those words


I couldn't contain myself at those words and I kissed her passionately. After we spent the whole day still watching Doctor Who, until Karina and I passed out, but I couldn't forget what she said 'Love of my life', I didn't say it but she's the woman the love of my life and no one could top her.

End of Chapter 

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