Chapter 2 - Elise

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I was inside my garage dark and gloomy, sat on a crate as I had another cigarette in my hands. The boys were inside, playing some board games. I stared at my dads workshop beside me, that was collecting dust sitting there. He always held an obsession with fixing old junk and giving his children his art. He killed himself by shooting himself with a revolver a year ago. Well, they said it was suicide. I don't think my dad would leave his family like that, and he didn't believe in guns. However, I have nothing to prove myself right, so I have to put them thoughts at rest - for now. I didn't even know we had a revolver. I couldn't resist, so I got up and walked over to his workshop, with my cigarette rested between my fingers. I viewed all the projects he never finished.. I picked up the small, smashed pottery and it seemed to be an owl. I let out a shivered sigh as I felt tears form in my eyes.

"Why?" Is the only question I had for my dad. Why would you do this to us? Why did you go? Why weren't we good enough... I put down the owl and I backed away from the table as the memories were becoming too much to handle. I backed up into someone's tall body and my bloodstream ran Cold. My eyes widened and I just froze in place. I heard the person let out a zombie-like groan and I slowly looked up to see my dad. He looked cold and his blue eyes stared down at me.
"Kill him" he groaned out to me. I fell onto the floor and crawled away, hitting his workshop with my back. He stayed very still. His head was slanted, his jaw kept clicking in and out of place. I barely had any light, since it was so dark in here. I took in shaken, deep breaths as I just didn't know what to do but stare.
"or he'll kill everyone you love!" Dad reached his arms out and suddenly ran to me. I covered my hand as I let out a scream.

"Grace?" Riley shook me and I shot my head up to see Dylan and Riley giving me worried looks. I looked where dad was to see where he was, but he was gone. Mum later ran in and she let out a gasp, covering her mouth.
"Grace!" She hurried over and picked up my hand, to show I burnt myself with my cigarette. I didn't even notice I hurt myself. Then, the sting started to kick in.
"What happened?" Dylan asked me, sounding worried.
"I saw a rat...." I lied. I slowly got onto my feet, with mums help and she guided me to the kitchen. I looked back at my brothers as I was being escorted out to see my brothers staring at my dads workshop.
"Guys" I shouted out for them and they ran out the garage, since I wasnt comfortable leaving them in there.

"Bloody rats" mum scowled as she put my hand under the tap. I just stared at my burn mark as I was still trying to process what happened. He said exactly what the homeless man said to me. God, I'm fucking insane.
"I'll call out pest control sometime" mum handed
Me some cream and a bandage.
"Okay, I'm off to go see Carver. There's some frozen lasagna in the fridge" she gave me a smile and hurried out the door. I didn't say anything back to her, I didn't try to stop her or pull a face. I was still in shock I suppose.

I cleaned my hand up then I sat in the living room,
Staring at the TV rather than watching it. The front door opened and I peered my head over the couch to see Elise coming in. Although I was angry for her leaving, she was still my sister and my best friend. I jumped off the couch and I ran to Hug her, ignoring she was soaking wet from the rain.
"Woah-" she dropped her bag and held me close. I missed her hugs, I missed having some mother love.

Elise sat at the island, cupping her coffee while I stared down at the water in my cup.
"You saw... dad?" She asked me again, keeping her voice low so Dylan and Riley don't hear.
"He said kill him... am I going insane?" I met her eyes again as I heard my voice shake, and felt my body tense. Elise stared at me sympathetically and she shook her head at me sincerely. She adjusted her ponytail and wiped her face. I was practically the younger version of Elise, but since she was older, she had stronger features.
"Course not, Grace... you're grieving" she corrected
Me. I was relieved to hear her say that. I sipped my ice cold water and she stared at my bandaged hand.
"I burnt myself trying to get away, I blamed it on a rat" I giggled. Elise giggled and sipped her coffee.
"Maybe... I'll stay for a little bit longer and we get you some proper help" Elise said to me quietly. I shot my head up and she knew I was about to say something so she spoke over me.
"I know a guy. He was Kai's therapist! He was really good and Kai was getting better" Elise promised me. I scoffed and tilted my head at her.
"Kai who died some time ago?" I questioned. Elise let out a heavy sigh and closed her eyes.
"He was a lost cause, Grace. You're not though. He's called Dr. Lecter and he's really good" she promised me. I looked away from her while I bit my lip.
"You gotta Atleast try. Don't say no! You're just going to get worse and god knows what" Elise sipped her coffee again and I rubbed my eye as I thought about what she said.
"Fine.... For Dylan and Riley" I mumbled. A smile grew on Elise's beautiful face and she held her hand out to me, leaning over the counter. I glanced up at her then her hand.
"Give me your hand, asswipe" she joked. We both giggled and I gave her my good hand. She gave me an assuring squeeze and planted her other hand on top.
"You're gonna be alright, but listen to your big sis for a change" she smirked. A smile grew on my face and I felt.... Love. She sat back down and I moved my hand away.
"I need to get the boys ready for bed" I rushed out the kitchen and went to collect my brothers.

I finished reading the book to see Riley was fast asleep. Dylan however, was staring up at the ceiling. I knew something was bothering him. I walked over and sat down on his bed, he glanced at me then back up at the ceiling.
"Where's mum?" He asked me. I know he knew the answer, but he always took it hard - he needs his mother. I looked down at my lap and thought of what to say.
"She's coming back soon" I promised him, looking at him again.
"You was hurt and she just gave you two things and left... for you to do it all by yourself" his voice was shaking as he tried to barrier away some tears.
"I'm all grown up, that's why" I hated the fact that I had to excuse her actions but I couldn't let Dylan completely lose hope in our mum.
"You're 17!" He reminded me, sitting up. My jaw slightly dropped and he played with his fingers, once he knew what he did.
"Before dad died... she would make pancakes on Sunday. She would take us to new places, buy us new things. Come to see my football matches. Now, I just don't see or hear her anymore" Dylan wiped his face and I brought him in for a hug. He wrapped tightly around me and hid his face in me.
"She still loves you..." I whispered to him as I slowly rocked him.

I sat down in bed, fiddling with a gift dad gave me. It was only a cat with a bobbly head but he painted the dots on it, to my preference. Every small detail he did just for me. I heard the door open and I looked up to see Elise walking in, holding a bag of peanuts. She let her hair down and it hid her double pierced ear lobes. She was in shorts and a tank top, revealing her leg tattoo.
"Can't sleep?" I asked her. She nodded her head and sat down beside me.
"I can hear mum being banged" she chuckled. I snickered then looked back down at the cat toy.
"You still kept that?" Elise questioned, eating some peanuts.
"Yeah. It's cute" I showed it off to her and bobbled it's head. Elise laughed and laid down on her stomach. I smirked and put the cat back on my nightstand.
"How's uni?" I asked her, laying down with her.
"Interesting... how's Tommy?" She asked, eating some more peanuts she carried in with her. I looked away from her and tilted my head as I thought of what to say.
"Oh god... what happened" Elise smirked.
"He wanted to have sex" I told her. She looked at me with eyes wide and grabbed my wrist and shook it about.
"Did my little sister lose her v card?" She asked, clearly excited.
"What? No!" I shook her off me and she giggled and ate more peanuts.
"We're on break. He came by today to give me flowers but I gave them back" I told her.
"Aww, maybe another hot guy will try again" she flicked my nose playfully then rolled on her back, looking up at my ceiling. I could faintly hear mum and carver in the background, making my hands fist together at the thought if she wakes up my brothers.
"I was thinking we throw a party" Elise mumbled to me. I looked down at her funny and she looked back at me.
"We invite some people, not too many, then invite Dr. Lecter. Mum will be all over the place, cooking new things. Then, Dylan and Riley will be meeting new people..." she suggested to me. I bit my bottom lip as I thought about it.
"Tell me about this doctor" I replied with instead. She giggled at me.
"I thought you hated this" she laughed.
"Oh I'm trying here you bitch" I laughed back. She covered her face as she laughed then eventually calmed down.
"He's fancy. Always wears a suit. Lives for his wine. I would say we get some but... he gets like £200 bottles. He's professional, and he's nice" Elise informed me. I slowly nodded my head as I mentally took note.
"And he's kinda sexy" she added on. We both bursted out laughing.

I laid in bed, staring out the window to see the rainfall. I checked the time to see it was midnight.
"Oh fuck off" I groaned, realising I'm going to have little sleep for a long day. Especially for this... party thing.

Hannibal's POV

I sat down at my desk while I sipped some red wine and read Grace Brooke's file. I read the description in detail while I mentally noted things down. Aged 17, A poor mother, two brothers and a sister, a job in a small cafe. Father killed himself, she cares for her younger siblings and reported of seeing things that are not there. Her case doesn't sound too extreme, but maybe her as a person she is.

I saw her photo and she was rather beautiful. She had dark, brunette hair that complimented her lips and gorgeous eyes. She had faint freckles then ran across her nose and she had bold eyelashes. This girl is very interesting.

Grace Brooke's Therapist Is A Cannibal *for her* | Hannibal LecterWhere stories live. Discover now