Chapter 16

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*beep beep beep*

I kept my eyes closed as I used my hand to search around for my phone on the nightstand beside me. Once I felt my phone, I just tapped it in different places until I didn't hear the alarm anymore. I rolled over and decided for just... 5 more minutes.

The 5 minutes turned into half an hour, but it's not like I have plans today anyway. I made my way to Hannibal's kitchen, to have some of his delicious breakfast and... lord, it's going to be strange talking to his again, since yesterday. I couldn't stop dreaming about that kiss though. I walked through the kitchen to see Hannibal crack an egg into a frying pan. The oil sizzled and popped, but Hannibal still had it under control. He wore his usual pants and buttoned up shirt. Hannibal looked up to me after throwing away the egg shell and gave me a smile. I returned him a smile and sat myself down at his breakfast bar, located directly across from Hannibal.
"Good morning Grace, I trust you slept well" he said to me as he observed the egg cook.
"I did, thank you" I replied awkwardly. It didn't seem like he was awkward, he was acting like nothing happened yesterday - which I couldn't tell if it was annoying me or not. I viewed the kitchen to see two plates out, which had some bacon, hash browns, beans, sausages and black pudding - and soon to be fried egg.
"Has Will said anything to you this morning?" I hesitantly whispered to Hannibal, leaning forward a little as I played with my hands. He glanced up at me then back down at the pan to flip the egg, that sizzled in the pan.
"Nothing at all. You're still thinking about yesterday?" He asked me. I felt my hair stick up and I froze for a moment, when he mentioned yesterday. I felt my cheeks blush a little so I looked away, to subtly gather myself together.
"I mean... yeah" Is all I could manage to say. I awkwardly ruffled my hair up and didn't notice Hannibal presenting the plate in front of me. I made the mistake of looking up to meet his eyes, looking down at me. I quickly directed my head down and was mentally screaming at myself for doing that.
"Thanks" I murmured to Hannibal while I collected my knife and fork.

As we were eating on the breakfast bar, I got a notification off my phone. Hannibal turned my way so I just looked down at my phone, to see my mum text me.

Mum: I'm going to be taking the boys out to the seaside for a few days, keys under the plant pot xoxo

I groaned out loud and angrily put my phone down on the counter beside me, avoiding breaking my phone screen.
"May I ask what that was about?" Hannibal asked me calmly.
"Mums just decided to go on a surprise trip with the boys, I would've preferred that she told me in advance" I sighed to Hannibal, staring down at my food that I now wasn't that excited to eat as much anymore. I felt Hannibal's eyes analyse me for a few moments before he spoke.
"Would you like to talk to me?" He offered. I met his eyes and nodded my head while I bit the inside of my cheek. He got off his stool and left his breakfast behind and took a hold of my hand and guided me to another room. Meanwhile, I was just staring at our hands, totally mesmerised by it.

We sat down on the same couch we kissed on and the memory made my face flush, while Hannibal just patiently stared at me. I stared at the fireplace for a few moments before I realised I was meant to speak.
"I can't do this anymore" I nervously chuckled at him. He looked at me funny for a few moments.
"Do what Anymore?" He asked me.
"Just kiss me" I sighed, grabbing his shirt and pulled him over to me. He didn't pull away, he just cupped my face while he kissed me. I held the back of his head while my hand ran through his silky hair and he laid me down on the couch and positioned himself in my legs - again. He made his way down to my neck while he put his hand under my shirt and felt my hips. I wrapped my legs around him while he left wet kisses on my neck, making me bite my lip to prevent temptation.

I lifted the plant pot and collected the keys then went to unlock the door, to see it was already unlocked. I found that confusing but I thought my mum left it unlocked and left me these keys for how long she's gone. I walked into my home and shut the door behind myself. Not even a second later, Elise comes running to me with a big smile on her face.
"Ding dong! The witch is gone!" She cheered, laughing as she skipped towards me. I smirked while I hung up my coat and adjusted my jeans.
"And she's taken off with our little munchkins" I sighed. She playfully pushed me and suddenly gasped, covering her mouth with her hands. I felt my smile drop and worry wash over me.
"What? What is it!" I begged.
"Who...on... earth gave you that" she slowly started to smile again and I was confused on what she meant by that. I pulled my phone out and checked my camera to see fresh love bites all over my neck. I saw my eyes widen through the camera and I shot my head up at Elise, who was smiling at me like a psychopath, with the wide smile and eyes.
"You're telling me.. everything!" She screamed excitedly.
"Nooo I'm not!" I shrieked and ran for the stairs. I heard her run after me and I slid on the wooden floors since I was in socks but I got myself together again and jumped up the stairs.
"I'm right behind you, Grace!" Taunted Elise.
"I swear to fuck! HELP!" I shrieked and ran to my mums room, not thinking. I slammed the door after myself and pressed my back against it, hearing Elise bang on the other side of the door. I took in deep breaths while I zoned out, staring at my mums room. I never entered it after my dad died and it's whole atmosphere had changed Drastically.
"Grace, mum will kill you if she knows you went into her room" Elise shouted through the door. It snapped me back into reality and I opened the door to see her standing there. She took in a breath to tell me off but her eyes landed in our mums room. She slowly entered the room with me and we took a look together. Wrappers everywhere, as well as clothes. Her wardrobe was where she left everything that was dads. I kicked clothes about to find condom wrappers, underwear of bras.
"How many pairs of underwear that belonged to different guys are in here?" I jokingly asked Elise. Since she didn't reply, I turned around to see her pointing beside the door. I peered over to see a used condom. I automatically gagged at the sight of it, amusing Elise since she was laughing and pointing at me.
"All our half brothers and sisters, how adorable is that?!" She wheezed out.
"Oh my god, I hate you so much" I gipped again.

We searched through our mums wardrobe to find a dusty box. Inside, was all memories of dad. We carried the box to my room and sat on my bed while we cut open the cardboard box. Elise laid on her stomach while she watched me cut off the tape and I removed the folds to see some of our dads possessions and photos. Elise pulled out a tin that held spearmints, since he loved mint. She stared at the cover of the tin, that was a text saying 'father by day, fisher at night'. Elise giggled to herself then opened up the tin to see its emptiness. I just observed her, considering if I should intervene or not.
"Keep it" I instructed out loud to her. She shot her head up at me, giving me a funny look but saw I was dead serious.
"It's collecting dust in there anyways" I reminded her. I felt so broken seeing Elise like this, since she was also a daddy's girl. She tucked it in her hoodie pocket and wiped her eyes using her sleeve before looking up at me again. I gave her a weak smile then peered back down into the box to see a framed photo. I pulled it out to see it was our parents in high school, and they were sat on the hood of a car cuddling each other. Elise looked down at it in my hands and she wiped off the dust using her hand.
"Do you really think he killed him self?" I questioned to Elise. She stared at me for a few moments before answering.
"I mean- well... but he-" she kept stuttering, meaning she also didn't feel like dad didn't kill him self.
"He didn't" I whispered to her.

We put the box back and erased our existence ever being in our mums room, now we were just talking in my room. Elise walked in, hiding something behind her back with a mischievous grin imprinted on her face.
"Oh god" I smirked, flicking the ash off my cigarette into my ash tray. She sat down on the bed and presented three condoms and excitedly handed them over to me. I stared at them in my hands then back up at her, who was still grinning. We just stared at each other until one of us thought of what to say.
"Well?" Elise asked me happily.
"I mean... I don't think I'll need them but thanks" I smiled and put them in a drawer.
"So, who is he... OR SHE!" Elise laid down on my bed beside me so I rolled over to face her.
"Clearly not Tommy" I muttered to myself.
"Grace" she playfully slapped my thigh, making me smile.
"Well he fucked off to maybe... France or Italy" I exclaimed to her. She giggled at me.
"Anyway... he's just nice to me" I told Elise. I said the faintest details ever so she'd never find out it's Hannibal.
"Well, what does he look like! What job does he have! Where does he live! WHO does he live with! do I know him? I need more deets" Elise groaned to
Me. I smirked while I played with my fingers.
"He's... brunette, blue eyes, a faint stubble. He's studying to be a lawyer, and lives with his best friend" I lied to Elise, which I felt bad about.
"...have you been staying at his house over night? I mean OF COURSE YOU HAVE! Oh, this is exciting" Elise clapped her hands together while biting her bottom lip with anticipation.
"I have, obviously. We just had a bit of kissing" I promised Elise, smiling at her.
"Not even..." Elise raised her hand to signal what she means so I grabbed her wrist and slowly lowered it.
"No" I whispered in her face.
"Well, that's boring then" Elise joked as she hopped off my bed. She turned around with her hands planted on her hips.
"I don't care if you go back to his tonight, just bring one of those" she pointed at the condoms she gave me and gave me a wink. I gave her an awkward thumbs up and she left the room.

Grace Brooke's Therapist Is A Cannibal *for her* | Hannibal LecterWhere stories live. Discover now