Chapter 10 - 2 days

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*buzz buzz*

I was awoken by my phone ringing. I winced open my eyes and groaned to myself, guessing it's Elise. I picked it up my phone, not checking who it was, and pressed it against my ear, tucking some hair behind my ear.

"Gracie! It's grandma!"

I shot up from my bed and I felt excitement burst through me, as well as a smile.
"Hi grandma!"

"I was just calling to tell you I'm at your home... but you're not here"

I looked around myself to see I was in Hannibal's home, since I've slept here before. I viewed myself to see I was still in my dress, but with a red sweater over me. I sniffed the sleeve a little to smell Hannibal all over it, making me feel warm inside.

"Oh yeah... I stayed at a friends"

"Ah well... I prepared the boys some breakfast and gave your mother a lecture"

"Hehe, what'd she do this time?"

"She was ignoring her little boys!"

"I now know where I got my attitude from...."

"Well, honey, your father was worse than you when he was your age"

I felt my smile fade a little, but I still got to hear my grandmas voice. She loved her grand kids but ever since my mum became how she is, she distanced from my mother and forced us all to distance from our grandma.


"Sorry... I'm here, I'll be home soon"

"Alright sweet pea, I'll see you soon. Love you!"

"I love you too"

I ended the call and laid back down on the bed. I stared up at the ceiling and thought about last night. Suddenly, there was three knocks at the door and I shot up to face to door. Hannibal peered his head in and gave me a smile, and I returned one to him.
"Good morning, I prepared you some food" Hannibal exclaimed, revealing a tray of good food, making my mouth drool. There was some french toast, fried egg, bacon, avocado and some orange juice.

He sat down beside me and handed me the tray over, which I laid down on the bed and dug into, since I was starved. I let out a delightful noise tasting Hannibal's food again and he watched me eat like a hound.
"How did you sleep?" He questioned me, starting small talk. I finished my mouthful before I spoke.
"Very good" I answered truthfully, sipping some orange juice then eating some more.

"And my grandmas back!" I shrieked! I moved the food I couldn't eat on the nightstand and placed myself beside Hannibal.
"Is she close to you?" He asked me. I nodded my head at him with a smile on my face.
"She used to come over all the time before dad died" I said to Hannibal, secretively sniffing the sleeve again.
"I'm happy you still have someone left after your fathers passing" Hannibal responded to me sweetly.
"She's not exactly always here... she lives some distance away and plans to keep it that way... from my mum" I said to him quietly, laying back down on the pillows. I felt Hannibal's eyes look me up and down while I stared up at the ceiling.
"I'm sure things shall now change that your mother is in therapy" Hannibal considered to me, speaking calmly in his voice.
"I also must ask about yesterday. When I collected you, I could smell strange substances on you. Then, you informed me that you and Tommy had fallen out" Hannibal finally asked me. I let out a long sigh and closed my eyes, adjusting my head on the pillow.
"Tommy pulled some dumb trick on me to get out... things got outta control so we all left then Tommy thinks it's a great idea to try again with me" I sighed, smelling the sweater sleeve again since it calms me, like a drug. There was some silence until Hannibal clicked his tongue.
"Why are you still with him if things are not working?" Hannibal asked me curiously. I never thought it like that, I don't know what I thought of Tommy and I but Hannibal was right. I sighed as I shrugged my shoulders and felt myself falling asleep again. Hannibal put his hand on my ankle and gave me an assuring squeeze then collected the tray off the nightstand and made his way out the room, slowly closing the door behind him.

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