Chapter 20

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Hannibal's POV

I peered over Grace to see she was still fast asleep, although it was 10:00. She held onto the duvet tight and whispered to herself in her sleep. It brought a smile to my face, seeing her so peaceful and still so beautiful. I slowly tucked a few stray strands of hair behind her ear and it presented a better view of her freckles and long lashes. I planted loads of kisses on her face to awaken her, which worked.

Graces POV

I was awoken by kisses being placed all over my face, making me wave my hand around in the air and squint open my eyes. Once my eyes focused, I saw Hannibal leaning over me, smiling down at me. His face reminded me of last night and I wish I could replay it again, and again, and again.
"Good morning" he said to me in his morning voice, pulling me to him by my waist.
"Morning" I replied back with, planting a kiss on his lips.
"Would you like some pancakes?" He offered to me, stroking my hip. I nodded my head, smiling up at him.
"I won't be long" he informed me while he planted another kiss on my cheek then he sat on the bed, his back turned on me, while he put some pants on himself. I sat up, making sure the duvet covered me, and watched him change. Once he stood up, I saw his strong V line and bare chest. I had to force myself to look away so I grabbed my phone off the nightstand to see texts off Elise. I ran a hand through my messy hair while I read the messages to myself, biting my thumb.

Elise: helloo where are youuu?

Elise: OH I KNOW WHERE! Come home ASAP to tell me about everything 😘

Elise: did you need a condom? 🤨

I giggled to myself and decided to change into some clothes and meet Hannibal in the kitchen.

I walked into Hannibal's kitchen, adjusting his shirt on me. I caught the site of Hannibal cooking eggs and bacon. The smell was already making me drool. He looked up, once he heard me come in, and gave me a smile, with his hair falling in front of his face.
"Smells good" I cheerfully said to him, seating myself at the breakfast bar.
"That it would be" he responded back to me, making me giggle. I suddenly got another notification off my phone and I checked to see it was Elise again.

Elise: when you coming home and have you decided about the FBI???

I sighed to myself and thought of what to reply with.

Me: I'll be home soon and I still have no idea

"Is everything alright?" Hannibal asked me. I shot my head up to see him glancing between me and the frying pan.
"Yeah, everything is alright. Elise is just asking about the FBI" I told Hannibal, fiddling with my phone in my hands.
"I believe you should do it" Hannibal whispered to me. I smirked at him, watching him plate up.
"You won't be able to see me as much" I reminded him, seeing if that will trip him.
"But I shall know that you're using your time productively" He debated back.

——— Brooke's residence ———

I opened up my front door and crept inside, avoiding Elise noticing I was here. I winced at the door making a creaking noise and I hung up my dads coat carefully.
"GRAAAAAACEEEEE" Elise screamed. I instantly bursted out laughing seeing her run at me, slipping on the wooden floor as she took a corner. She grabbed my shoulders and shook my around.
"What happenedddd! Tell me it alll and I have so much to sayyyy tooo" She grabbed my hand and ran us up to my room.

We sat down on my bed and Elise was blabbering on about her date.
"But he was so sweet! He won a teddy bear for me then we just went back to his and watched a film. It was so nice. Anyway, enough about me! Tell me it alllll" Elise quickly said to me all in one breath. She looked at me with wide eyes, making me smile. I tried to hold back my chuckle but she was making it difficult.
"...did you lose your virginity?" Elise leaned forward to whisper to me. I caught her eyes and my smile slowly grew even more, without my control. She gasped and quickly slapped her hands on her mouth.
"How was it!" She shrieked.
"Painful!" I groaned. She giggled at me and grabbed my hand.
"My sweet sweet Grace, it'll be so much better next time you get with him. BUT WHO IS HEEEEE!" Elise pleaded off me. I shook my head at her, with a grin on my face.
"Still no saying" I teased.
"You're so evil it's unbelievable" she smirked, playfully pushing me.
"So. Riley's birthday. What do we do?" Elise questioned me, crossing her legs.
"He brings his friends over?" I suggested to her. She shrugged her shoulders at me while she thought.
"But if we take them to watch a movie... they won't trash the house and we can get rid of them quicker" Elise whispered to me.
"Point" I replied. She nodded her head at me while she hummed 'mhm' at me.
"I still think he just brings his friends around. Mum always loves to cook for kids that aren't hers" I reminded Elise. She chuckled to herself and pointed at me.
"Free food... I like it" she mumbled to herself. I played with my hair as I collected myself a cigarette and lit it.
"I'm just a genius" I joked to Elise, taking in a puff.
"Pfft" Elise responded, cracking us both into laughter.
"Speaking of our boys, where are they?" I questioned Elise.
"Each went to a friends" she informed me. I looked over at my alarm clock to see it was nearly time for my therapy session, nearly time to go see Hannibal. I smirked to myself but wiped it off my face before facing Elise again.
"I gotta go to my session later on-" I went on to say but Elise interrupted.
"THEN YOURE OFF TO GO YOUR BABY DADDY!" She shrieked. I stared at her blankly, while she had her hands in the hair and a shocked look on her face.
"Possibly" I whispered to her. She clapped her hands together and shrieked again.

——— the waiting room ———

Hannibal opened up his door and quickly scanned the room for me. Once he saw me and I saw him, I jumped off the couch and leaped into his arms. We both giggled into each other's arms and he closed the door behind me.

We both laid on the couch, instead of doing our session, and he put on a film. There were snacks on the coffee table and we were both snuggled in the fluffy blanket together. I had my head rested on his chest, feeling his chest rise whenever he took a breath in. He slowly played with my hair while we both intensely watched the video.
"How is my mum doing?" I suddenly asked him, ruining the special moment a little. He hesitantly stopped playing with my hair then continued. I stayed frozen until he answered.
"Why the sudden concern?" He questioned me.
"She's not been herself, is all... I'm worried" I stuttered as a response. I'm not sure why I felt so nervous asking him that. It's not like he bites. I lifted my head up to face him, to see him looking down at me.
"She's perfectly well" he promised me as he caressed my cheek then leaned down to kiss me. He held my jawline while he licked my bottom lip. I sat on top of him and he quickly stopped kissing me to see me on top of him. He stared into my eyes as he felt my hips
And viewed me like a piece of art. I even felt a little shy. He helped me take off my shirt and I then bent down and hungrily kissed his lips. He rushed to unclip my bra and I unbuttoned his shirt.

He quickly flipped us over and decided to stare at me underneath him, while we were both shirtless and taking in heavy breaths. His hair fell in front of his face and his chest rose up and down quickly, like he ran a marathon. I felt so vulnerable, feeling his eyes scan all over me. He tilted his head at me while a smirk grew on his face.
"You're so beautiful" he whispered to me.
"Shut up" I giggled and kissed him again. He passionately kissed back then quickly unbuckled my pants.

He covered us with the blanket and he did deep and quick thrusts, making me grip onto his hair and scratch up his back - again.
"Kill him"
Oh no, no, no, no, no. I peered over Hannibal's shoulder to see my dad standing there, kinda awkward if you ask me too. I avoided causing a scene and closed my eyes while moans kept escaping my lips.
"Fuck, Hanne" I moaned in his ear and he did one powerful thrust, making me let out a shriek.
"Or he'll kill everyone you love"
Hannibal lifted his head up from my neck and stared at my pleasured face. He put his hand around my throat while he picked up his pace. Every time he thrusted, he let out a little grunt. I gripped on his wrist because I needed to grab SOMETHING. He slightly squeezed and I could feel his bulging veins in his arms and hands.
"Kill him!"
Hannibal removed his hand from my throat and buried his head back into my neck, violently sucking. I gripped on his back while he still went deep and I could hear him making noises right beside my ear, making me feel butterflies in my stomach.

Hannibal finished buckling his pants up while I sat on the couch, in a ball, in his shirt. I was too busy being in my own world, thinking about my hallucinations, to notice Hannibal staring at me. He sat beside me and wrapped an arm around me, snapping me out of it. I shot my head over at him to see his eyes stare right through me.
"Are you alright?" He asked me calmly. I took a few Moments to answer and when I did, I just weakly nodded my head with a forced smile on my face. He slanted his head at me, while looking me up and down, scanning me with his eyes.
"You're not being honest" he whispered to me, while he rubbed my arm gently, for comfort. I did feel a little relieved when he stroked my arm.
"I'm just tired" I lied. He raised an eyebrow at me, and I knew he didn't fall for it.
"Your hallucinations?" He asked me, avoiding stepping on a sore wound. I instantly felt like I was shot, as I felt tears develop in my eyes. I nodded my head at him and rested my head on his shoulder. He slowly rocked me in his arms, kissing my head.

Grace Brooke's Therapist Is A Cannibal *for her* | Hannibal LecterWhere stories live. Discover now