Chapter 9 - Therapy

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Oliver, Tommy, Alyssa all did a group hug in the back room and we all laughed together. Then, the door creaked open and we all looked over to see my family walking in. Riley hugged me and Hannibal smiled at me with his hands in his trench coat pockets.
"You did well, Grace" Elise smirked. I chuckled and walked over to them, with Riley.
"I'm proud of you, baby" my mum stroked my cheek and I gave her a subtle smile and flinched from her touch.
"You have an angelic voice Grace" Hannibal complimented, while walking up to me.
"Thank you" I smiled, watching him approach.
"Also we did some talking..." my mum sighed as she played with her fingers. I glanced between them all and braced myself for bad news.
"I've decided to go into therapy, Dr. Lecters... specifically" my mum announced. I didn't really know how to react.
"Then I can come home and be a better mother to you all" she added on. I turned to face Hannibal and he shook his head at me slightly, to tell me to to react horribly. Elise's face had hope written all over it and I turned to see Tommy and the others staring at me with eager looks.
"That's... great news" I managed to spit out. I had the thoughts of My mum seducing Hannibal and take the only thing that she doesn't have.
"Isn't it?" Hannibal smiled.

I laid in bed and checked the time, 12:00AM. I sighed and rolled over again. I'm soon to be 18 and I don't know what I want to do. Do I want to pursue the life I've always wanted or stay here for my brothers? I only hope My mums therapy works out. I let out a loud sigh again and realised I'm getting no sleep. I sat up right and turned on my night light to see where I left my dads gift. The bobbing cat was still where I left it and I carefully picked it up and bobbled it's head gently. It brought a smile to my face and I put it back. I want my real dad back, not the hallucinations... I got a text off an uknown number and I picked it up to see it looked like an important message.

Unknown: Grace Brooke, I advise you stay away from dr. Lecter. Come here now if you'd like to know more

Then there was a location attached. I had loads of sudden thoughts so I picked up my hoodie off the floor and crept out the house. As I walked past my mums room, I heard her and another man. I rolled my eyes and rushed past. I got to the front door to see Chris' jacket hung up and his glasses on the table. I stared at his glasses for a few moments as I clung on the door handle then I ran out.

As I walked down the isolated streets, I wondered who I'm going to meet and I wondered if I'm in any danger - most definitely am.

The location was a large corn field and I stood just outside it and went to text the number again.

Grace: I'm here

Unknown: I know, I can see you

I quickly turned around to see a man in a Halloween werewolf mask and the person under the mask let out a pathetic roar, but still made me jump.
"Jesus! What the fuck?!" I groaned angrily
and I pulled off the mask to see Tommy laughing his head off. He bent down as he belly laughed and I stared at him, clearly unamused.
"You're an asshole, you know that?" I angrily said to him.
"Oh man, you should've seen your face" Tommy cried, while I just stared at him with disappointment.
"Why did you do that?" I pushed him and he got onto his feet and playfully raised his hands in the air.
"I know you'd still be awake and I didn't know how to get you out of the house. I got invited to a party and I knew you wouldn't come so I tried this solution" Tommy exclaimed. I raised an eyebrow at him and he walked over to me slowly, while I watched his every step.
"Do I look dressed for a party?" I questioned him. He put his hands on my waist and pulled me close to him.
"I'll remember to put a dress code then" he joked. He managed to get a smile out of me and he smirked down at Me.
"Alyssa has it covered. Come on" Tommy suddenly pulled me somewhere and I had no choice but to follow.

Hannibals POV

I watched Tommy drag Grace somewhere and I gripped on my steering wheel. I pulled off my gloves and wiped my face as I let out a long sigh. I was going to kill Tommy tonight, but I suppose that can wait. I viewed the scalpel beside me on the passenger side, wrapped up in a napkin. I was going to frame Grace's mother by doing so. However, I still can drive her insane to get her hands dirty for me. I know she does not desire to get better. In fact, she desires only me. She lied to Grace's face, her other daughters face and my own. She won't be an issue any longer. I'll make Grace see her in a state so she has no choice but to run to me for help. Soon, she'll be 18 (in three days in fact) and then she is her own woman. She won't need to stay home anymore, she could be with me - because soon I will all she will have left.

Grace Brooke's Therapist Is A Cannibal *for her* | Hannibal LecterWhere stories live. Discover now