Chapter 13 - the FBI

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I walked down to the kitchen, kicking all the garbage of yesterday's party out my way. I stumbled into the kitchen to see a note on the counter. I picked it up while scratching my scalp and read it to myself

Took the boys to school

Elise x

Is all it said. I scrunched up the paper and put it in the bin and went to make myself some breakfast.

Some hours past and I was getting ready for mine and Hannibal's session. As I was putting a shirt over myself, I realised where is my mum and grandma? I grabbed my phone off my desk and tucked it in my back pocket while I made my way over to the guest room, where my grandma is staying. I saw the door was shut, and she would usually be out of bed by now.
"Grandma?" I asked calmly while I knocked on the door three times - there was no response.
"Grandma it's me, wanted to see if you was okay... maybe we could go get some lunch together?" I asked her, since she loves spending time with me, yet there was still no response. So, I decided to see what was up with her. The second I opened the door, the smell of vomit and blood hit my face. I instantly gagged and covered my mouth, using my hand. I could even taste the vomit in my mouth just from the smell, that's how bad it was. I felt my heart drop to my stomach, since this was not right. I turned the corner to see flies swarming my grandmas opened mouth. There was vomit all over her and she lost colour on herself. There was foam at her mouth and her eyes were rolled back. My grandma is dead. All I could do was stare. I was just frozen, as if someone was holding me down. None of this makes sense, at all. I saw my dads hallucination standing beside my grandmas bed, staring at me with the shimmer of his glasses. My blood went cold, my eyes widened and I shoot out the room and lost feeling in my legs, making me fall. My chest was closed up and it hurt just to breathe. I just sobbed on the floor, trying to breathe but I just couldn't.

I grabbed my phone out of my pocket and called for an ambulance, knowing it was too late.

I stood on my porch, wrapped up in my dads coat. The tears had dried on my face, but I just was so confused. I needed answers. There was far too much vomit to be classed as alcohol poisoning. Elise ran after our grandmas body being dragged away, crying and screaming as she did so, while I just stared at my mum who didn't seem too bothered. She had her arms crossed to give her some warmth while she watched our grandmas body be carried away... did my mum kill her?

"Grace Brooke?"

I was snapped out of my thoughts and I turned to see Jack Crawford approaching me, being followed by Will Graham again. I didn't respond, I just watched them walk up to my slowly. I analysed their sorry faces, which didn't make me feel happy.
"We are... so sorry for your loss and we're worry we have to do this to you, but we have to question you... as well as the rest of your family" Jack informed me slowly. I just stared at his face while I computed what he said.
"The Chesapeake ripper, hm?" I questioned them, shaking in my voice from crying so much. Jack looked over at will, but he was just staring at me.
"It might be" Jack responded to me.
I turned my head over to the noise to see Hannibal walking up to me, in a quick pace. I bolted past The FBI agents and to Hannibal. I fell into his arms and I cried in his arms, while he stroked my hair and slowly rocked me in his care.

I looked around the living room to see Hannibal, Elise and myself sat on the couch while Jack stood in front of us all. Then, Will was standing in the shadows as he watched from afar.
"We have reasons to believe she was murdered" Jack told us. Elise instantly wailed afterwards Jack said that and she clung onto mums wrist in search for comfort, but our mum looked down at her and left her to it. She didn't comfort her, nor did she even stroke her back. A few tears leaked down my face, so I closed my eyes. Hannibal wrapped his arms around me and stroked my arm to comfort me, which worked, even when I felt like I was about to throw up from the stress.
"Was anyone in your home that you didn't know?" Jack questioned, trying to sound sincere in his voice. As I was about to answer, Will had an input.
"The Chesapeake ripper didn't break in, he was let in" Will told us quite creepily. My family all exchanged looks with each other.
"We don't know any killers, Mr. Graham" I snapped to him, trying to act calm in my voice.
"Whatever the Chesapeake ripper is, that being a psychopath of a sociopath, they can put on human emotions, when they really don't feel a thing" Will said to me slowly, pushing his glasses up his head.

Jack and Will closed the door after them and I could still hear Elise sob. I looked over to see our mum still ignoring her.
"Mum! Your eldest daughter is crying in your arms, fucking hug her!" I shrieked. She looked at me with wide eyes, as she stared at my dry tears.
"Don't swear at me-" she tried to say but spoke over.
"We get it! You hated grandma and now she's dead. You win! But Jesus Christ, what will it take for you to Atleast take a good look at us!"I shouted. Everyone fell silent and I realised the words I said. Elise got off
The couch and raced upstairs as she wiped away her tears. My mum left the room and I slowly turned to face Hannibal, who was already staring back at me.
"Oh no" I gasped then bursted into tears again. I felt safe in the arms of Hannibal yet again.
"Come with me, you must leave this place for now"
Hannibal suggested to me, helping me off the couch.

He opened the passenger door for me into his Bentley and I couldn't help but look back at my home, where I left Elise.
"Everything shall be alright, you must trust me" Hannibal said to me. I hesitantly nodded my head and entered the Bentley. He closed the door and I stared in front of the wind shield, where I saw my dad standing on the driveway. He stayed still, tilting his head at me, while I just stared at him. I had no more tears left to cry and I had Hannibal in my company so I wasn't scared.

Grace Brooke's Therapist Is A Cannibal *for her* | Hannibal LecterWhere stories live. Discover now