Chapter 11 - one more day

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I sat on my porch while I smoked a cigarette. It was dark out, I could see the streetlights flicker with some moths consuming light. I snuggled closer into my dads jacket, since there was a cold breeze in the air. I let out a faint cloud of smoke then, on my dark driveway, I saw the shimmer of some circular glasses. I instantly felt goosebumps form on my skin and my hair stick up. I automatically knew it was another hallucination but someone's hand on my shoulder snapped me out of it. I shot my head up to see my grandma, holding out a cup to me. I hesitantly took it off her to see she gave me a hot chocolate with whipped cream and marshmallows.
"Thank you" I said quietly, slurping the warm liquid. My grandma sat down next to me with her coffee and stared out with me.
"You waiting for anyone?" She asked me, starting small talk. I just shrugged my shoulders while I stared down into the cup, I could tell she knew I was upset.
"Umm... how's that Tommy?" She added on. I chuckled while I slowly shook my head.
"We hate him now" I chuckled. She pulled a strange look at me and I was nottt going to tell my grandma why we don't like Tommy anymore.
"Why not!" She shrieked, sitting up in her chair.
"Because he's changed a lot..." I groaned. Suddenly, we saw a Bentley pulling in and knew it was Hannibal picking up my mum. I didn't Attend our session because I was cutting my hair - that turned out well. Hannibal got out the car and my grandma suddenly gripped my arm, making me look over at her worried. When I turned to her, I saw she wasn't scared but impressed.
"Who is that man?" She whispered to me, keeping her eyes on him. I glanced over at Hannibal to see him walking up in his trench coat.
"I'll tell you later. One minute" I exclaimed to her, putting my cigarette in the ash tray and playing my cup on the glass table. I rushed to my feet and ran to Hannibal, jumping over the stairs. He gave me a weak smile and I hugged him, and he hugged me back.
"You didn't attend our session, May I ask why?" He asked me. I let him go and looked him in the eye, then he noticed my hair. He picked up a hair strand and then stared at me again.
"I had a hair cut... forgot to call you, sorry about that" I whispered to him, checking to see if our grandma is coming over to us, which she wasn't.
"Is that your grand mother?" He asked me. I nodded my head at him and ran my hand through my hair.
"Please don't say you're my therapist..." I winced to him. He gave me a funny look at me then the front door swung open to see my mum coming over to Hannibal. I rolled my eyes and put my hands into my dads coat pocket.

My mum and grandma approached Hannibal and I are, so I prepared myself for a terrible conversation.
"Dr. Lecter, how are you?" My mum asked seductively. I turned over to my grandma and pulled a disgusted face at her, making her giggle and I looked back at my mum.
"Ah, you must be grace's grand mother, how are you?" Hannibal shook my grandmas hand, leaving my mum unamused. I had to hide my smirk from her.
"Very well, how do you know Grace?" My grandma asked curiously. I slowly faced Hannibal, praying he'll fulfil my request.
"I'm her mother's therapist" he exclaimed.
"And he's also Grac-" my mum went on but I spoke over.
"Okay you two! Don't let the food get cold and I hope you both have a... brilliant time" I said loudly while I escorted them away from my grandma.
"And mum, don't do anything stupid that'll make me hate you more" I whispered to her.
"I wouldn't do that to you" she whispered back, making me scoff. She let herself in the passenger seat and Hannibal closed the door behind her, then faced me. He analysed the worry on my face and gave me an assuring smile.
"Nothing shall happen, because I can't have relations with a patient... she also is not my kind of woman" he assured me. He managed to get a giggle out of me and he made his way to the drivers seat.

I laid in my bed then three knocks were at my door. I looked up to see Elise letting herself in, hiding someone behind her back with a mischievous grin on her face. I sat up right and watched her approach me suspiciously.
"Don't say you're gonna pull out something illegal" I joked. She revealed a bikini to me and couldn't help but laugh. She handed one over to me and I looked back up at her confused.
"Midnight swim, me and you. No noise, no mother, no children... no responsibilities" she bribed. I smiled at her, tilting my head at her.
"You forgot to add about the man in a hockey mask with a machete" I reminded her. She laughed and ran to my bathroom.
"Get ready!"'she shouted. I chuckled to myself and started to change.

Hannibal's POV

I peered up to see kassandra sipping her red wine while staring at me, so I looked back down at my plate of food and continued eating.
"Grace's 18th birthday is tomorrow, May I ask what you plan on doing for her celebration?" I started off the conversation with, cutting up food on my plate.
"Elise wants to throw her a party, something like that" Kassandra informed me, eating off her plate.
"Have you... asked her what she wants to do?" I asked curiously. She shook her head and glanced over at me.
"My dead husbands mother wants to take my kids into her care" Kassandra spits out. I stared at her for a few moments to process what she just said.
"Yeah. Some frail old woman looking after my 7 year old boy. no" she chuckled to herself, eating off her plate again. I hesitantly started to continue eating my food. If Grace's grandmother does get the children in her care, Grace shall be moved far away.
"I must agree with you, she is in no condition doing so" I sighed.
"Finally someone who agrees with me" she smiled. I suddenly felt something on my leg and quickly realised it was her foot. I took no notice and felt her raise her foot so I shuffled my leg away from her. She seemed a little upset but picked up her wine glass and sipped.
"How are you finding the meal?" I pondered to her. She glanced between her plate and I.
"Gorgeous! It is probably the best meal in my life" she joked, laughing at her own comment. To not make the settlement awkward, I forced myself to chuckle.

"I believe you should try re-connecting with your children again" I confessed to her. She looked at me funny, filling her glass up again.
"From how Grace speaks to you, doesn't sound like she is your daughter. I think you and I can agree on that" I added on. She let out a long sigh and moved some hair out of her face.
"May you please say something?" I begged off her, tilting my head at her.
"My children just don't understand the sacrifices I have made for them" she exclaimed to me, sounding tense.
"Of course they won't notice, that is apart of being a child" I reminded her.

Graces POV

Elise and I held hands as we ran to the water. We leaped into the water and screamed. I hit the water and swam to the top. Elise was laughing her head off and I was also laughing. I looked around us to see we were in the large lake I went with my dad to. We were just surrounded by trees and darkness, which was unsettling. Elise splashed me with some water so I splashed her back.
"Enjoy your last night of being 17" Elise begged me, smiling brightly.
"Do you mean my last night of my life" I whispered to her, looking around us. She just giggled again and swam over to me.
"Nobody's here, just relax" she teased, grabbing my ankle playfully. I shook her off me and she just laughed again.

Hannibal's POV

I put Kassandra's coat over her and opened the front door for her.
"Would you like me to drive you home?" I offered. She turned around to face me and smiled at me.
"That would be lovely" She smiled. I collected my keys and my trench coat and met her at the front door, where she waited for me.
"I'd also like to thank you for your wise words today" she added on. I gave her a weak smile to her.
"Of course" I replied emotionlessly. She glanced down at my lips then my eyes and instantly knew her motive so I guided her out my front door and to my car. As we were walking, I was thinking of the ways on how to eliminate Grace's grand mother, how to eliminate Tommy - that I shall do tonight -, how to drive Kassandra insane quicker and lastly, what to wear tomorrow.

Grace Brooke's Therapist Is A Cannibal *for her* | Hannibal LecterWhere stories live. Discover now