Chapter 8 - The Gig's up

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I cut the veg while Hannibal prepared the meat.
"How did you sleep?" He asked me, dashing some butter into the frying pan.
"Like a baby" I giggled. He chuckled and put the meat in the pan, making it sizzle. Then, from the sounds of it, two elephants came running down the stairs and to the kitchen. Dylan instantly went shy seeing Hannibal, like every other time he sees Hannibal.
"Good morning" Hannibal said to them, flipping the meat.
"Morning sir" Riley spoke as he sat down on a stool and watched Hannibal cook in fascination.
"You don't have to call me sir" Hannibal chuckled. I giggled as I focused on cutting up the veg and Dylan sat in front of me.
"Say morning, Dylan" I whispered to him. He cleared his throat and glanced Hannibal's way.
"Good morning.. thanks for letting us stay" he said nervously.
"Of course" Hannibal replied. My phone suddenly buzzed in my back pocket and I checked to see it was Tommy.
"One minute" I excused myself and I rushed out the kitchen and took his call.

Tommy: I heard about Carver... I get why you didn't come, everything alright?

Grace: ... everything's fine. The FBI came to me and said they'll be seeing more of me, Hmph

Tommy: the FBI?! Jesus Christ.

Grace: I stayed somewhere else for the night, Dylan and Riley came with

Tommy: that creepy guys place?

Grace: he isn't creepy... but you for an instance.

Tommy: heh, oh please

Grace: you doing something tonight?

Tommy: gig at the bar again. Got a phattt check

Grace: what? Two 20's?

Tommy: five 20's

Grace: heh... show off

Tommy: it's bribery for you to come down tonight. I guess you're gonna need more cash since everything's gonna kick off

Grace: I always need cash, Tommy

Tommy: come down tonight

Grace: fine! What time?

Tommy: seven till eight

Grace: see you then shitface

We said our goodbyes then I entered the kitchen again to see Hannibal serving food out.
"Was that Elise?" Hannibal asked me as he neated up the plates. I shook my head and sat beside Riley.
"Tommy. He wants me to sing at his band" I smiled and Hannibal laid out his gorgeous plate of food in front of me. The smell was only starving me even more.
"Do it! Oh, Grace pleaseee can we come?!" Riley clasped his hands together and kept nudging me.
"I'm doing it... only for the pay check" i reminded everyone. Dylan smiled to himself and ate his food. Hannibal sat down beside me and presented some orange juice in front of us all, that Riley raced to.
"You should come" I playfully nudged Hannibal and he glanced at me then picked up his knife and fork.
"What time?" He asked me.
"7 till 8" I confirmed.
"Then I shall be there" he smiled to me.

We all ate our food peacefully and most of the conversation was Riley boring everyone with his random words, amusing Hannibal and I.

A few hours later, Riley and Dylan were watching TV while Hannibal and I talked in his office about the future.
"I'm going to see Elise and my mum... can I leave my brothers here? I know you've already done so much but I can't let them hear what might be said" I whispered to him as I leaned forward on his desk. He was sat on his desk, his hands clasped together as he looked up at me.
"Of course you can leave them in my care, I'd like to get to know them" Hannibal promised me, smiling up at me. I smiled back down at him and I was so grateful for him.
"Thank you... so much" I said, sounding relieved.
"Dont feel the need to thank me. If it makes things easier, you can leave them here until 7 and I'll arrive to your performance with them" he offered.
"Seriously?" I asked him, since I wasn't so used for people being so generous.
"I am quite serious" he leaned back on his chair and I stood up right.
"I don't know what to say" I nervously chuckled. Hannibal stood up and guided me out the office.
"Don't say anything at all. I shall see you later" he escorted me to the front door and I dashed him in for a hug. He hugged me back and I hoped I'd never let go.
"Thank you..." I whispered in his ear then I ran out and back home.

Grace Brooke's Therapist Is A Cannibal *for her* | Hannibal LecterWhere stories live. Discover now