Chapter 6 - Tommy

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Riley and Dylan ate the food Hannibal and I prepared and they were loving it. Seeing them enjoy it so much made me smile.
"Can we have this tomorrow too?" Dylan asked me excitedly as he ate the food quickly, not giving him a chance to take a breath. I giggled as I leaned on the counter, watching them eat at the island. To break the mood, mum walked in. For a change, she looked presentable. Her makeup was neat and her clothes weren't ruffled up. She met my eyes and went to pour herself a coffee.
"The police called me today..." she mumbled to me, avoiding to meet my eyes.
"You made a statement against Carver?" She asked me, quietly, stirring her coffee.
"I did. Why?" I snarled back at her since She sounded irritated by it.
"Just wondering" she finally turned around and met my eyes.
"Look Grace... I wanted to apologise" she slowly approached me and my brain had to function that she just apologised to me. My selfish, disgusting mother is saying sorry?! I must be dreaming. She stood beside me as she thought of what to say next.
"I'm a terrible mother... I know" she sighed.
"What did Elise say?" I questioned her, not taking her seriously.
"She came to me saying she's worried about you" she confessed. I scoffed and stared down at the floor.
"Where is Elise? She left?" I pondered.
"No! She's just keeping some distance between you and yourself, which I think is best" she answered me.
"Oh..." is all I managed to say, feeling a little guilty that I was so quick to jump to assumption.
"How's Dr. Lecter treating you?" She questioned, starting small talk. I smiled and pointed at the two boys eating their food hungrily.
"He spent some time with me to calm down, taught me how to cook here and there" I informed her.
"That sounds nice... is he available?" She questioned me, blowing on her coffee. I smirked and bit my bottom lip.
"Ah, so that's why you were saying sorry... pretty dumb of me to believe it" I chuckled. She opened her mouth to say something but the door bell went off.
"And you can you please start working again? I can't afford the electricity bill anymore" she winced, ready for my reaction. I just collected my rubbish off the counter work and made my way over to the door, scruffing Dylan's hair as I walked past, not giving her an answer.

I opened up the door to see Tommy. Colour flushed to my cheeks as my jaw was left open, the last we saw each other, we kissed. He seemed more confident than I was and had one hand in his pocket.
"Hey, I came by to see if you're alright" he told me, peering over my shoulder slightly. I walked outside and shut the door behind me.
"Do you have a cig I can borrow?" I pleaded to him.
"Oh, sure" I watched him pull out his packet and opened it up for me. I helped myself to one and he lit it for me. I let out a relieved sigh as well as some smoke.
"Oh I owe you" I giggled. He chuckled and viewed his lighter in his hands.
"Where are yours?" He questioned, since I always have a pack on me. I rolled my eyes and tapped some ash off.
"My therapist took them off me" I smirked. He grinned at my comment and went to sit on the porch, then I followed after him.
"You got a therapist, since when?" He shot his head over at me and analysed my unfazed face.
"Since Elise got back" I answered honestly.
"Holy shit Grace. I mean, it's great news but... is this why you quit your job?" He kept his voice down so nobody could hear in the house, because he knows how my family could get.
"Sorta... I quit because I wanted to ever since I started there"
He giggled at my comment and then we both heard a car pull up, the tires colliding with the gravel. I turned my head over to the driveway, as well as Tommy, to see a Bentley parking up.
"Please take this" I whispered to Tommy. He took the cigarette out my hands and acted like it was his. He leaned back on the stairs and watched Hannibal leave his Bentley and approach us with his hands in his trench pockets.
"Good morning Grace" Hannibal greeted me then looked over at Tommy. He viewed the cigarette in his hands then met his eyes again.
"You must be Tommy. I've heard many things about you" Hannibal didn't hold his hand out to shake, which I found unusual. Hannibal caught me look him up and down confused.
"I was passing by, would you like me to escort you and your brothers to their school?" He offered. I quickly got up off the stairs and smiled, nodding my head.
"That would be great, thanks. You're an angel" I smiled to him and hurried inside to get them ready for school.

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