Chapter 19

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I sat in my bed, with the night light on and I viewed the cat in my hand. I gently wobbled its head again and seeing its head sway made me smile. Suddenly, my bedroom swung open, making me jump, and I shot my head up to see my mums new toy stumble in. I instantly felt uncomfortable, seeing the state of him and I clung onto the cat for some source of comfort.
"Where's your mother?" He asked me, stumbling on his words and unable to stay on his feet.
" her therapy session..." I gently whispered to him. He stood there for a few moments and stumbled backwards a bit, but gathered himself together.
"Alright" he sighed and made his way out my bedroom and down the corridor, where my boys are. I didn't feel safe leaving them alone while a stranger is walking around, clearly unstable. I quietly snuck out of bed and crept to my boys room.

I creaked open their bedroom door and peered my head inside to see their figures in their beds, peacefully asleep. I let out a relieved sigh and crept inside. I gently shut the door and made my way through the darkness. I gathered a spare blanket and collected Dylan's dressing gown to be used as a pillow and laid on the floor. The floor was hard and cold, hurting my hips already. But then I know my boys will be okay. I tried to close my eyes and drift to sleep, even though it'll be difficult.

Hannibal's POV

"Kassandra. I want you to listen to my voice carefully" I instructed her, viewing her sat directly
In front of me with her dress on. I could smell her expensive perfume, that took over my entire sense of smell. She kept her eyes closed and fiddled with the fabric of her dress.
"I want you to imagine yourself back home" I spoke clearly to her. I watched her body tense a little and I mentally took note of that.
"What do you see?" I asked her. She took a few moments to respond to me. She was too busy catching her breath.
"I see children..." she mumbled to me. I slanted my head slightly and proceeded to ask the next question.
"How young?" I pondered to her.
"So young.. so innocent... they're playing tag, jumping over our couch...." Kassandra whispered to me. A smile cracked on her face and her breaths became shaky. I leaned forward on my chair and clasped my hands together, since this was getting interesting. I could almost hear the children giggling, through her thoughts.
"And he's home. He has gifts for them.." Kassandra smiled as tears developed in her eyes.
"Your husband?" I asked her. A tear leaked down her face so I stopped the clock and approached Kassandra, who was still in her own world. I knelt down beside her couch and decided not to wake her yet. I took note of her body language, that was distressed. She had so many mixed emotions within her, I couldn't tell which one I should focus on for today's session.
"Of course I'll come with you..." she whispered under her breath. I glanced back up at her and suddenly had a malevolent thought.
"Kassandra. Wake up" I spoke loudly to her, gently shaking her. She frantically sat up and looked all around her, then instantly relaxed once she recognised where she was. She leaned back down on the chair then looked down at me, who was patiently waiting for her to ready herself.
"What time is it...?" She politely asked off me. I checked my wrist watch to see it was 10:00.
"It is ten o'clock" I informed her then, the timer went off for our session to end. I got up off the floor and turned off the timer. I had my back on Kassandra and heard her heels click the floor. All I was imagining, was Grace. I was imagining her in the dressing room or her in the lake. Her bright smile and impressive body was all I could think of. Suddenly, Kassandra put her hand on my shoulder and I slowly turned around to see her looking up at me.
"I'll see you tomorrow, doctor" she whispered seductively to me.
"I shall see you tomorrow" I smiled at her.

Graces POV

I opened up one eye to see the sunlight shimmer through the curtains and I noticed the two beds beside me were empty. I grumbled to myself and sat up, to be properly awaken by a sharp pain in both of my hips.

I made my way downstairs, ruffling up my brunette hair and made my way to the kitchen to see Elise, my mothers toy and Jack Crawford sat at my breakfast bar. My heart sank for a moment and I instantly thought of the worst possible outcomes.
"Someone died?" I frantically asked him. He shook his head at me and patted the stool next to him. I hesitantly went to sit down, analysing everyone's faces and they didn't seem sad, or happy. Once I sat down, Jack carefully put his coffee down on a coaster and pulled an envelope out of his pocket and slid it over to me. The confusion and adrenaline was making me feel excited but also scared. I opened up the envelope to see 'FBI' in bold at the top.
"I was hoping you'd join the academy. You could work by my side" He offered to me. I shot my head up at Elise, who gave me a weak smile while holding her morning coffee.
"Umm.. me? In the... FBI?" Is all I managed to say.
"You don't have to answer straight away... just think about it" Jack put his hand on my shoulder and gave me a comforting smile. I gave him a weak smile and tucked away my envelope in my pocket.
"I'll see myself out. Thank you for the drink" Jack spoke to Elise. He put on his hat and left the house. Meanwhile, everyone was silent.
"The FBI, hm? That's a joke" Blake (mother's toy) grumbled to himself and left the kitchen.
"Fuck you too!" I shouted over at him, rolling my eyes. Elise smirked and sipped on her coffee carefully.
"Where are Dylan and Riley?" I asked Elise, tapping my finger on the counter to fill the room with some sort of noise.
"The lake" she told me, blowing on her coffee.
"Mum get home?" I asked Elise, ruffling my hair up. She snorted to herself and nodded her head.
"Didn't you hear her this morning?" She teased, disposing her empty mug in the sink.
"Oh god... I'm gonna be sick" I joked, making me and Elise giggle.
"I'm going out at 12... on a date" Elise 'wiped dust off her shoulders' as she made her way to sit down beside me.
"Who's the unlucky fella?" I asked her, holding back a chuckle. Elise playfully pushed me while we both laughed together.
"He's called Simon and he's very sweet" Elise smiled as she showed me a photo of him. He seemed to be a bit of a party animal. He had curtain hair and glasses. In the background, was a club while he held two drinks up.
"Charming" I snorted.
"Very. Hopefully he'll know who your baby daddy is, if you won't tell me" she smiled. I giggled and raised an eyebrow at her.
"I doubt he'll know who" I mumbled to her.
"Atleast gotta try" she smiled.

Grace Brooke's Therapist Is A Cannibal *for her* | Hannibal LecterWhere stories live. Discover now