Chapter 14 - Tommy's missing

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I tried calling Tommy again and it went straight to voice mail. This was the 30th attempt in calling him, every time it went to voice mail. It was Pissing me off now.
"Damn it!" I cursed, angrily shoving my phone in my pocket. Hannibal came through the door holding a cup. He sat down beside me on the couch, and I glanced over at him to see him holding the cup out to me. I hesitantly took it off him and viewed the inside of it.
"It is mushroom tea, to calm your nerves" Hannibal informed me. I slowly raised an eyebrow at him and sniffed the tea, and it didn't smell good.
"You're giving me.. drugs?" I questioned him, a little confused on the matter.
"I am indeed. You will be in my care, so no harm shall come to you" Hannibal promised me, shuffling closer to me. I took his word for it, since he's the only person I trust with my life, and I sipped the tea. I pulled a face at the taste, amusing Hannibal from the looks of his smile, and finished my tea. I scrunched my face together and gave Hannibal the Empty cup back while I coughed on my hand.
"Fuck, that's nasty" I gagged. Hannibal lightly chuckled while he placed the cup on the coffee table.

I laid down on Hannibal's chest while he stroked my hair. I just kept zoning out. I knew I was stationary, but it felt like I was on a rollercoaster going up and down.
"How do you feel?" Hannibal asked me, clearing his throat. I let out a relieved sigh at the feeling of his hands in my hair and hearing his heart beat, while his chest rose up and down.
"I don't know..." I whispered to him, focused on his plant in the corner of the room. He chuckled to himself and continued playing with my hair. It was like he knew where to stroke me.
"Can I sleep here?" I asked him, already snuggling up to him.
"Of course" he agreed. I wrapped my arms around him then he collected a blanket somewhere and put it over us. He held the back of my head and my back then went slowly fell asleep together.

The tea gade me feel a questionable feeling, but a good one. It was calming although it felt like I was spinning in circles. I didn't think about today, the ripper, Tommy or my family.

Hannibal's POV

I stared at Grace asleep on my chest. She had a steady breath and looked peaceful, for a change. It was nice to see her relaxed. Her hair fell down her face so I gently collected it and moved it out the way for her. Her hair was silky and shiny, like a diamond. I tightened my grip around her so I could adjust our position, putting her legs in between mine and her head in my neck, so I could also sleep.

Graces POV

I was woken up by a phone buzzing and I sat up to see I was still on hannibal, who was still passed out. I grabbed my phone as I stretched to see Alyssa calling me. I automatically knew something was off so I got off Hannibal and picked up the phone.
"Hello?" I whispered down the line as I walked into a different room to not awaken Hannibal, since it is 1AM.
"Grace..." Alyssa was shaking in her voice and I could hear the wind in the background. Worry then washed over me. I planted my hand on my hip while I paced the room.
"What's up?" I asked her worriedly.
"Tommy's missing, did he say anything to you? Did he... leave a message?" Alyssa pleaded off me. I tried to recall of any time but he never said a word about it.
"None... I'm so sorry, I'll look in the morning for him" I promised him.
"Thank you... sorry for waking you" Alyssa apologised then dropped the call. I stood still for a few moments while I ran my hand through my hair, coping with all these terrible thoughts. Tommy is missing, god knows what situation he's put himself in this time. I walked back into the room I left Hannibal in to see him still asleep. I carefully tip-toed over and I slowly put my phone down. I checked again to see if he was awake, which he wasn't. I crept on top of him and I went to lay down but he suddenly opened One eye to see me sat on top of him. I felt my entire face redden and I didn't know what to do. Should I just lay down? Do I get up? Do I stay here? What do I do!
"I heard you leave the room, is everything alright?" He asked me, ignoring the position I was in - thank god.
"Uhh" is all I managed to get out while tucking a hair strand behind my ear. He slanted his head at me while he waited for a response.
"Tommy's missing. There's a large man hunt for him" I exclaimed to Hannibal quickly as I laid back down on him. He put the blanket over us again and held me close to him, while I snuggled up again.
"I'm sure he is alright somewhere" Hannibal whispered to me, closing his eyes while he stroked my arm gently.
"I hope so" I added on, slowly falling back asleep again.

Hannibal presented breakfast in front of me. The smell was already making my stomach grumble even more than it already was. I picked up my knife and fork and began eating. I let out a satisfied noise once I got to taste all the flavours while Hannibal sat down beside me, slurping his coffee and eating his fruit salad.
"Do you plan on staying here a little longer?" Hannibal asked me, sparking small talk. I glanced his way to see some of hair in front of his face.
"Maybe. Only for my siblings of course but..." I zoned out in my thoughts, but Hannibal spoke to me, snapping me outta it.
"A break for you sounds like just what you need, I recommend you go see them today, then search for Tommy and then possibly spend the night here again" he offered to me, eating his food.
"Are you sure?" I gasped, looking at him with wide eyes. Nobody has ever given me so more hospitality before. He looked over at me while he chewed his food.
"I only want what's best for you" he promised me. He brought a smile out in me and I hadn't smiled ever since I found my grandma. He smiled back at me then pointed at my food.
"Perhaps you'd like to eat that, before it gets cold" he joked. I giggled then went back to eating.

I went back home to talk to Riley and Dylan. Riley didn't quite understand the meaning of death yet, while Dylan was distant and went down to the lake our dad would take us to. I talked to Elise in private and she said she's keeping it together for the boys. I informed her I won't be coming back home tonight since I need to get over finding our grandmas body here and she totally understood. Meanwhile, my mum was in her room with another man - and not her children.

"Tommy!" I shouted as I pushed the corn out of my way. I shone my flash light around myself to see if there is any sign of him.
"TOMMY!" I screamed at the top of my lungs, and there was no response, except the birds cawing and flying away. I sat down on the floor while I thought of where else he would go, which would be the bar.

I entered the bar to see a new band performing. The audience wasn't that enthusiastic as last time and wasn't even bobbing their heads to the music. I kinda felt bad, since I know what it's like being on stage. I walked over to the bartender, who was towel drying glasses.
"Oh it's you again! Long time no see" he said enthusiastically, putting away the glasses. I gave him a smile and leaned on the bar while I looked around myself.
"Hi again! Have you seen Tommy recently? Nobody seems to be getting ahold of him" I exclaimed to the bar tender. He sadly shook his head at me, putting a towel on their shoulder.
"Sorry love, haven't seen him since he was last here with you" he told me, then went to take some orders. I huffed under my breath then hurried back out the bar.

I sat on the pavement and lit my cigarette. The streetlights were coming on and the roads were getting quieter, meaning there was no hope in finding Tommy today. I pulled my phone out and sadly texted Alyssa to tell her the sad news of not finding our 'beloved' Tommy. She replied instantly saying...

Alyssa: we got nothing either. We don't know where else he could've gone, unless he's ran away.

Deep down, I kinda wish he's ran away. Then that means that he hasn't been murdered or kidnapped. He's probably just out there blasting songs in his shitty truck living his life. I got off the pavement and walked back to hannibals, who told me about some dish he's prepared with a special ingredient.

Grace Brooke's Therapist Is A Cannibal *for her* | Hannibal LecterWhere stories live. Discover now