Chapter 18

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A month later...

I gave Riley and Dylan their breakfast and my mum stumbled into the kitchen, being followed by another man she collected from the streets. Just the sight of seeing the shirtless stranger raid the cupboards made me feel cold. Elise glanced my way, holding her coffee, with a concerned look on her face, while I glanced back over at her, with an unamused face. I just knew she was thinking the same thing as me.... 'asshole'. My mum just giggled while he kissed her neck.
"Hope I'm not intruding... but not in front of my brothers" I scowled at the two of them. The man slowly looked my way and I just stared back at him, with one hand on my hip. He had tanned skin, dark hair that suited his hazel eyes and a broad nose.
"You Elise?" He asked me.
"I am" Elise jumped in to say. My mum stood there awkwardly and the man chuckled to himself.
"So... you're Elise and you're Grace" he quietly said to himself.
"And that's Dylan and Riley" Elise pointed over at our boys, who glanced up from the sound of their names.
"Hey guys" the man innocently waved at the two of them. Riley was the only one to reply, since Dylan was so shy.
"Hello" Riley cheerfully spoke to the stranger.
"I'm off out" I grumbled and hurried over to my front door.

I lit myself a cigarette and snuggled myself up in my dads coat, while I thought about Tommy. How he made me feel, wasn't loving or comforting. Felt like I was in prison.. but whereas with Hannibal, who treats me proper and makes me feel like I'm home. I can just trust him with my life at this point - and I plan on showing him the lake where my father took me as a child, tonight.

I waved goodbye to Riley and Dylan, who waved their lunch boxes at me in the air and dashed into the school. I giggled to myself then began walking back home.

Hannibal's POV

I knocked on the Brooke's residents front door three times then waited patiently. I glanced over to my right as I waited, to see the chair where Grace sits on every morning to take in some fresh air... with an ash tray beside her. The door suddenly swung open and I turned to be greeted by Grace's mother, Kassandra. She stared At me for a few moments, with her jaw dropped.
"Good morning. Is Grace home?" I questioned her, which snapped her out of her day dream. She quickly adjusted her dirty blonde hair and her silky dressing gown.
"Grace is... not home right now, but I'm sure I can be great company" Kassandra quietly flirted, which disgusted me. I gave her a quick smile as a response, to give me time to think of a proper reply.
"I couldn't agree more" I smirked. She giggled to Herself and opened the door for me.

Graces POV

I swung open my front door and hung up my dads coat beside the front door. I paced into the kitchen to see Hannibal sat at the island, while my mum and her new toy stood beside each other. Hannibal turned his head over to see me and gave me a warm smile. God, I missed him so much.
"Oh you're back! We were just catching up" My mum excitedly spoke to me. I slowly nodded my head at her, a little stunned on what to say.
"Well, now that you're here, you and I must talk... in private" Hannibal indicated.
"Right.. okay, this way" I replied back to him. He then followed me up to my room and once he entered my room, I quickly shut my door and locked it. I turned around to see him staring at me.
"You're insane for showing up here" I joked as I walked past him to my desk, to collect a few things.
"I wanted to see you" he exclaimed to me. I slowly turned my head over my shoulder to see him approaching me slowly, with his trench coat placed on my bed. I hesitantly went back to my job, picking things off my desk but I felt his fingers trace the curves on my body, sending electricity through me.
"Not here..." I whispered to him and walked past him to throw some garbage away.
"I also still haven't told you off for leaving bites all over my neck" I teased him. He smirked to himself as he watched me search in my nightstand.
"Elise gave me these" I whispered to him, presenting the three condoms she gave me. He stared at the condoms for a while, processing it all.
"How... generous?" Is all he managed to say, making me laugh. I hid them in my drawer then fell on top of my bed. Oh, this bed was so comfy.

Hannibal and I laid in bed together, close together while we had our hands in the air, tangling our fingers together. His rough skin against mine felt so heavenly, it was the medicine I never thought I needed. Without fully realising, I looked away from our hands and looked over at him, taking in every detail of his face. He then turned his head over and faced me, locking eyes with me. He locked eyes with me for a few moments then gave me a sweet kiss.

"No, I'm not telling you" I laughed, holding Hannibal's hand as I lead him through the woods.
"But I must insist, I'm intrigued" Hannibal Pleaded to me, holding onto my hand tight.
"We're nearly there" I promised him, feeling excitement whizz through me. Hannibal will be the first to see the lake my dad often took me to as a child. Although the memories will be hard, Hannibal will be there to repress the pain. The trees cleared and there was the large lake. It went on for miles and it was always calm. I felt a smile form on my face and I peered over at Hannibal, who had his eyes glued on the gorgeous view.
"The lake your father took you to..." he mumbled to himself. I lightly giggled and dragged him over to the pier.

We sat on the pier and took in the sounds of nature. I tapped my foot on the water, to watch all the circles form. I could see our reflection shimmer in the water, reminding me of when I was only a child, fishing with my dad here. He was an excellent fisherman, and we always had some fish Atleast four times in one week.
"Who else have you brought here?" Hannibal suddenly asked me, slithering his arm around me and pulling me closer to him. Our bodies so close together made me feel warm.
"Nobody. Except Riley and Dylan" I confessed.
"I'm the first?" Hannibal sounded a little shocked when he asked me that. I smiled at him while I nodded my head.
"Not even Tommy" I whispered to him and leaned forward to him. He smirked and planted his lips on top of mine. This day was going perfect, nothing can ruin it.

Grace Brooke's Therapist Is A Cannibal *for her* | Hannibal LecterWhere stories live. Discover now