Chapter 7 - jack Crawford

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Elise pulled up into our driveway and I saw all these other dark coloured cars parked that I didn't recognise, making me more anxious. Second Elise put the brake on, our mum ran out and she was in tears. I got out the car, to check on her but she screamed and pointed at me.
"YOU KILLED HIM! WHY!" She screamed at me. I narrowed my eyebrows at her since I was so confused but a man I'm not sure of, dressed in an FBI jacket, lead her back inside.
"Ignore her" Elise whispered in my ear then we went inside. But I couldn't ignore what she Just said, she blamed a death on me.

Dylan and Riley were upstairs with an FBI agent, showing off their toys to them to keep them distracted from what was going on downstairs. I sat down on the couch and fiddled with my fingers, looking down at my lap. Everywhere I looked, I saw an agent. It only worried me.
"Miss. Brooke, I'm Agent Crawford and this is Will Graham. It's good to meet you"
He held his hand out and I looked up to see a man in a trench coat on, peering down at me. Beside him, was a man with curly brunette hair and glasses, but he didn't look my way. I hesitantly shook Crawford hand then he sat down in front of me and I looked down at my lap again. Elise stroked my back in attempt to calm me.
Kill him
Kill him
Kill him
God, that's all that was repeated in my head - and it wasn't my voice.
"Yesterday, the body of Carver Rodger was discovered. His lungs had been removed and his heart was displayed. He was tied to a tree and flowers were placed in his eye sockets and mouth. We were informed that he was your mother's romantic other and he assaulted you only a few days ago" Agent Crawford said rather quickly to me. I raised my eyes up but not my head.
"What? That makes me a suspect?" I questioned him.
"We don't know what it makes you yet, that's why we're here" Agent Crawford promised me. I sighed and wiped my face, I never felt so over whelmed before.
"I want my therapist" I told Agent Crawford.
"This'll only be quick thou-" he tried to tell me.
"I want him!" I snapped at Crawford.
"My apologies Jack, there was an accident on the roadway" Hannibal hurried through my door and met my eyes.
"Oh My god" I giggled to myself and I felt so relieved to see him. I jumped off my couch and I ran to his arms. He cradled me in his arms and I felt everyone's eyes on us, but we both didn't care. He stroked my hair and rested his chin on top of my head.
"What're you doing here? Who's Jack?" I whispered to him, letting go of him but he held my shoulders as he looked down at me.
"I am"
I turned around to see agent Jack Crawford coming over to us then Will stared Hannibal up and down, like he knows something. I looked back over at Hannibal and he seemed prepared for my questions.
"You're... in the FBI" I asked him calmly.
"I help profile serial killers, including the Chesapeake ripper. Now that you're involved, a lot has to change" Hannibal informed me.
"Let's try this again, Grace" Jack hand gestured to the couch where Elise was sat and I went to sit down, taking Hannibal with me, gripping his sleeve.

"What did you know about carver?" Jack asked me calmly. Will Graham stared down at me and It only made more more uncomfortable. Hannibal had his arm around me and a hand on my thigh while I played with my fingers. I already felt more comforted with Hannibal being here.
"Nothing really... my mum is your best bet here" I whimpered to Jack, remembering what occurred in the kitchen. It was like a cog, just keep rewinding in my mind.
"She told me her side. The day he died, was the day when you wrote your statement against him" Jack added on.
"Jack, I told her to write the statement. She is my patient" Hannibal spoke out. Jack stared at Hannibal for a few moments then Will.
"Is there anyone crazy over you, Grace?" Will asked me, shaking in voice and pushing his glasses up. I stuttered for a moment. The first thought was Tommy... but he can't be capable of killing someone, and he was high when I saw him...
"Okay, I think that's enough for today. Call me if anyone comes up and I feel like we'll see each other more often" Jack handed me over his business card but Elise took it and stuffed it in her pocket.
"Thank you agent Crawford" Elise frantically stood up and shook his hand. I didn't say my goodbyes, I just stared at the floor while Hannibal stroked my back.
"I'm sure the ripper is obsessing over her" Jack whispered to Will, not aware that I heard it. It sent goosebumps all over me.

"Make sure you keep an eye on her.." Will whispered to Elise and then, the room no longer was filled with footsteps.
"Grace, please look at me" Hannibal removed his hand from my thigh and placed it gently under my jawline to guide my face to his. He cupped my face to analyse the shock on my face.
"It is not your fault" he reminded me. He spoke so calmly to me, reminding me of my dad - who was stood behind him.

I didn't even look at my dad, but my whole body froze

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I didn't even look at my dad, but my whole body froze. Hannibal then drew me in for a hug and I silently cried on his shoulder. To top it off, my mum came running down the stairs, sobbing and screaming as she did so, terrifying me.
"MURDERER!" She screamed at me, petrifying me.
"Let us leave, you may stay at my home" Hannibal helped me off the couch and I remembered about my brothers.
"I can't leave Riley and Dylan here..." I whispered to him as he hid my face in his chest, away from my mum.
"MURDERER!" She cried again.
"That's enough mum!... Grace, you should stay here" Elise recommended.
"Elise, your mother will only torment Grace" Hannibal debated back.
"HOW COULD YOU, YOU EVIL BITCH!" My mum spat at me.
"Mrs. Brooke! That is enough" Hannibal snapped.

We got into Hannibal's car and I sat in the back with my brothers, hugging and kissing their heads.
"Why did mum say all those things to you?" Whimpered Riley.
"She's grieving, let her be" I responded to him.

I tucked the two boys in the double bed in Hannibal's guest room and I felt so guilty. All this pain and grief they're receiving is my fault.
"I'll make some of that food you loved in the mornings" I smiled to them. Dylan jolted up and smiled at me.
"Seriously?!" He shrieked, seeing a big grin on his face.
"of course" I smiled to him. He fisted the air and laid back down.
"I love you guys" I whispered to them, tearing a little.
"I love you too" they both responded to me and fell asleep. I watched them sleep for a little bit then I turned my head over to see Hannibal leaning on the door frame looking in.
"What time is it?" I asked him. He checked his watch and clicked his tongue.
"Half 8, why?" He questioned. I snuck out the room and Hannibal shut the door on my two brothers.
"Tommy invited me to see his gig.. and I need to clear my head" I sighed, wiping my eyes.
"Perhaps it's best if you stay" he suggested to me.
"Maybe" I sighed.
"And some sleep should help" he took a hold of my hand and led me to his second guest bed room. He opened the door and it was so spacious and elegant, with a bathroom attached to it. I collapsed on top of his bed and the duvet was so soft.
"There is a robe for you to use here, and you may use the bathroom" Hannibal told me. I rolled onto my back to see him sat on the bed beside me.
"You don't know how much I appreciate this" I smiled to him. He smiled back at me and moved some hair out of my face.
"Of course, I only want what's best for you" he informed me. I then hugged him and he held me close to him.

"Sleep well" Hannibal went to turn off the light but i shot up from the bed.
"Can you please just... sit here until I'm asleep? I don't wanna be alone" I shrieked. Hannibal stood there for a few moments and then went to sit in the corner of the room on the chair there.
"I shall stay here until you sleep, then" he promised me. I felt relieved and laid back down on the pillows.
"Thank you..."

Hannibal's POV

I watched Grace sleep, but she seemed to not have a happy dream but I won't wake her, she needs the sleep. I walked over to her to see her face. It pleased me to say that I slaughtered carver like the pig he was. There's no connection between Carver and I, making me on the innocent list. I envy Grace's motivation to please her brothers after today's events, she is quite strong in my eyes and it's admirable. Then, I left the room and quietly shut the door.

Grace Brooke's Therapist Is A Cannibal *for her* | Hannibal LecterWhere stories live. Discover now