Chapter 17

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I laid in my bed, staring up at the ceiling as I thought of Hannibal. God, his lips though. I'd never imagine Tommy was also right about me sleeping with him, since I get the odd few fantasies of it. I rolled over my bed to check the time on my alarm clock, that my dad gave me, to see it was 10AM.

I covered my mouth as I yawned, entering my bright kitchen, to see Elise slurping on some coffee. She instantly smiled once she saw me.
"Morning, whore" she joked, snickering. I felt a smile form on my face as I playfully pushed her, knocking some laugh out of her.
"Off to see your baby daddy?" Elise asked me. I giggled as I reached out for a cup, to pour myself some water.
"How'd you know?" I giggled. I spun around to face Elise, who was devishly smirking at me. I slurped ice cold water, making me feel fresher the second it hit my throat.
"Well, still nothing from mum with the boys.. still.. so I'm going shopping, want anything special?" Elise asked me. I took in a quick breathe to say what necessities I needed but she spoke over me.
"No, not getting the morning after pill" Elise teased. I let out a little huff, amusing Elise more, holding back her smirk.
"...pads" I spoke out to her slowly. She gave me a thumbs up and began to walk away.
"Gotcha!" She cheered.

I waved Elise goodbye, who was pulling out the driveway in her car, and she gave me a wave goodbye then held onto the steering wheel again. I brought a cigarette to my lips and lighted it. I took in a breath and let out a relieved sigh, feeling myself become more delighted. I sat down on the stairs, once Elise disappeared from my sight.

For once in a while... it's peaceful home. There's no screaming children, no walls rattling, no door knocking.. just the birds and the sound of the wind. I got to have a break.

"Kill him"

Or not. I didn't turn around and I took another burn from my cigarette, showing I wasn't phased as if my hallucinations have feelings.

"Or he'll kill everyone you love"

'It' spat out again. It always sounded out of breath. I felt my hair stick up, hearing it say those words to me.

"Kill... him"

It then pointed its bony finger beside me. It pointed out to the driveway, but there was nothing in the driveway. I couldn't help but slowly turn around to see my dads face again. His glasses shimmering from the sun. His lifeless eyes. His widened jaw and stubble. Tears instantly formed in my eyes then I heard some tires hit the driveway. I spun my head over to the noise to see Hannibal pulling in with his Clean, expensive Bentley. I looked back for my dad to see he was gone. The car door shut and I saw Hannibal walking towards me, tucking his hands in his coat pocket. He gave me a smile and I gave him a forced smile as I smoked. He glanced at my cigarette then back to me. God, I missed his face. Seeing him so close made me genuinely smile a little.

"Good morning" he said to me slowly in his deep, charming voice.
"Not confiscating them?" I questioned him, slanting my head. He smiled as he licked his bottom lip at me.
"You're a legal adult" he reminded me.
"That I am..." I whispered back to him. I still decided to discard my cigarette, however. I threw it away from me, to see Hannibal's eyes take note of that.
"I came here to invite you.. to opera tonight" Hannibal said to me confidently. I felt my face wash red as I tried to jamble some words together.
"Uh... I mean... sure, but I... I don't have much to.. wear" I spat out awkwardly. Hannibal let out a slight smile and leaned down a little.
"That won't be an issue" he whispered to me. He held his hand out and I hesitantly took it. He pulled me to my feet and guided me to the car.

I felt the fabric on one dress, to feel it's soft silkiness.
This store was full of the rich, it even smelt rich. I even felt a little uncomfortable in this store. Everyone's so formal and well-trained, to sell purely clothes.
"How about this one?" Hannibal asked me. I turned around to see him show me a gorgeous red dress, but it wasn't calling to me.. I quickly scanned around the area and collected a random dress beside me. It was a darker shade of the dress Hannibal showed me, wifh some more coverage.
"How about this one?" I asked him, pushing the dress against me. He stared at me then down at the dress I awkwardly chose, then slowly looked back up at me - speechless.
"Yeah, it's shit.." I awkwardly said under my breath and hung it back up.

I did a few twirls in the mirror, to see if I liked it on me

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I did a few twirls in the mirror, to see if I liked it on me. The dress was of course, beautiful, but I wasn't a materialistic person, and I don't wanna drain Hannibal either.
"How is it?" Hannibal hollered to me.
"Uh... nice" I shouted back to him. The door opened up and I turned around to see Hannibal looking me up and down.
"It's beautiful" he corrected. I gave him a smile then he showed me another dress.
"How about this one?" He offered to me. I took it off him and felt it's fabric to feel it stretchy.
"Okay" I agreed as I changed into the other dress.

Now this was a better dress for me

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Now this was a better dress for me.
"Hanne!" I cheered. He quickly entered to see him staring at me for a few moments. I stared at him eagerly, but he instead approached me. He planted his hands on my hips as he looked me up and down.
"We'll take this one shall we" he whispered to me. I smiled and nodded my head at him. He ran his hands through my hair and planted a kiss on my lips. It felt like a desperate kiss, since he held me tight. He suddenly ventured his hand down and I quickly stopped kissing him. He looked at me worried.
"Did I do something wrong?" Hannibal quickly asked me, I could sense his desperation in his voice.
"No.. I just don't wanna do it in the changing rooms" I smiled to him, zipping down my dress to change out of it. This would be the first time changing in front of Hannibal and I wonder where this will go.

I had my back turned on him, since I had no bra on, and I felt his eyes burning into me, only make me feel more fuzzy. I collected my pants off the floor and slipped into them. I picked up my bra and clipped it onto me, then throw on a shirt. I turned around to see Hannibal hadn't moved and he was smiling at me, while he held up my jacket. I smirked and walked over to collect it off him and he held onto it with more force. I slowly turned to look him in the eye, to see him smile down at me. I tried to rag my jacket out of his grip but he crashed his lips onto me and we both fell onto the built-in chairs.

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