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"harry are you fucking crying over a movie?" Louis laughs loudly when he saw Harry's red eyes and nose, "shut up louis its not funny"

"Why- why are you crying over a movie?" Once louis' laugh calms down harry signs wiping his tears he says "he fell in love with a vampire"

"So?" Louis says, and harry looks at him "so? He fell in love with a vampire louis he's a human and.....its sad so sad" harry says tears starting to pool in his eyes.

"Wait- I'm not getting it why is it so sad? What's wrong with a human falling in love with a  vampire?" Louis questions sitting up straight, "because louis...you see she's immortal and he's a human eventually he'll die one day leaving her all alone with nothing but memories its .....sad" harry explains doing lots of hand motions.

"Wha-how- i mean..... what if he dies there's nothing wrong with both of them loving each other even tho one will leave the other its same like a human falling in love with a human both will eventually die but in this case its a vampire she'll stay alive forever i don't see anything wrong here maybe its sad but not wrong" louis says.

Harry looks him in eyes and says, "I'm not saying its wrong I'm saying that....they shouldn't fell in love because one will see his partner grow old and eventually fade away that's so painful and sad no one should feel that pain you know"

"Harry....are you trying to say that a human should not love a vampire?" Louis asks slowly and watches as harry slowly nods and there louis could feel his death heart break, "y-you're dating us harry how can you say that!"

"I'm dating you both but william is not a vampire louis....." Harry says looking at his hands, its very difficult for him to explain what he means.

"Are you....dating us just because you wanna be with william? Am i the third wheel?" Louis asks you can clearly hear the hurt in his voice, harry quickly looks up at him and says "i- i didn't mean it that way- maybe yes i wanna be with william louis think about it he's a human you're a-"

"I'M A FUCKING VAMPIRE HOW CAN SOMEONE LOVE ME RIGHT? I WAS FOOL TO THINK YOU ACTUALLY HAVE FEELINGS FOR ME, I WAS A FOOL.....TO FALL FOR YOU HARRY I-.....OMG I'M SO STUPID-" louis pulls his own hair screaming, harry quickly goes towards him but louis runs away in his vampire speed.

"Louis its not like that-"



"Your silence says everything harry" before harry could say anything louis runs upstairs in his vampire speed he rarely uses and locks the door falling on bed crying sobbing painfully.....he was a fool to think harry wants him....so stupid....

"I'm so stupid.....fucking vampires good for nothing" louis murmurers to himself blaming himself for falling for harry who was only there for his brother and nothing else.....such a fool


William looks himself in mirror, he has styled his hair like his brother today and was also wearing his brother's coat, it smells like him making him calm.

When william looks back on road he sees stefan standing in the middle of the road smirking, his eyes widened and he quickly stamps on breaks stopping the car before it touches stefan.

"Stefan are you mad-" before william could finish talking stefan disappears like he was never there making william frown, "am i hallucinating?" William shakes his head looking from right to left, no car was there only empty road.

Clearing his mind william starts the start and slowly starts driving after a minute he feels his phone ring he pulls it out of his pocket to see that he bought louis' phone with him by mistake.

It was a message from unknown number saying,

You can't get away with this one louis

He frowns thinking who's messaging louis this thing, he looks back at the road to find a black bar coming towards him in full speed, "OH SHIT-" before he knows it everything was black...






𝐓𝐨𝐦𝐥𝐢𝐧𝐬𝐨𝐧 𝐁𝐫𝐨𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐫𝐬Where stories live. Discover now