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"well that was.....fun" damon says awkwardly harry and louis didn't stop glaring at eachother and now they were leaving.

"I'll see you tomorrow love okay?" Louis hugs his brother pecking his cheek once, "yess I'll miss ya" william mumbles snuggling his face in his brother's neck.

Harry shakes hands with damon and turns to his car with william. Damon and Louis also leaves but as louis was about to get in the car he saw a familiar face in a car passing by them.

"Damon that's stefan follow that black ranger rower" louis yells quickly getting in the car, damon quickly starts the car and follows after stefan's car.

Stefan takes a sharp turn as he saw damon's car following him at full speed. Damon follows where stefan's car took turn. "Damon he's......"

"Going towards old cemetery..."


"Finally bought you where you're gonna be for the rest of your life louis" stefan jumps off his car and stands motioning towards the cemetery he said.

"Why are doing this Stefan? I thought we cleared everything-" stefan interrupts louis by yelling "cleared? You're a murderer louis you deserve to die! You deserve punishment! To die"

Damon signs and gets Infront of louis as he saw stefan stepping forward towards louis. "Stefan stop this stupidity mate-"

"Mate? You fucking betrayed me! You helped this murdered in hiding you closed that case for him not for your best friend! You didn't do anything for me and now you're telling me to stop? " Stefan balls his fist and goes to punch damon but he holds his fist before it touches his jaw.

"I tried talking calmly didn't worked so this is the only way" and with that damon swings his fist across stefan's face, bruising his jaw. Louis moves back a little as damon Removes his gun and points at stefan.

"Surrender yourself or I'll kill you" what they didn't expect was stefan to remove a dagger from his pocket not some ordinary dagger, this dagger is made of ashes of fire tree you can see a clear craving on the handle of it a symbol of fire, this dagger can kill immortal people.

"Put. Your. Gun. Down" stefan says pointing the dagger to damon who puts his hand in air and throws his gun down. "Louis run!" Damon yells at louis, "no I'm leavi-" a car pulls up by and my god....its Harry's car.

"Harry what're you doing here!" Louis yells at him as he saw his brother come out scared and harry by his side, "i saw you guys follow him and i couldn't stay back knowing you're in dang-"

"Are you fucking mad harry? You bought my brother here in danger to save me pr put him in dan-"

"Hey danger danger can you both stop arguing? Or do you want me to kill him" stefan steps forward towards damon who steps back immeasurable.

"Wait Stefan you're not this right way.....i know he killed mom but he doesn't deserve to die....he already got his punishment when mom killed him took his life.... please understand" harry explains softly calmly slowly stepping forward maintaining eye contact with stefan.

"You don't understand how much my mom used to mean to me har-" before stefan could finish his sentence damon was on top of him pinning his hands above so he doesn't stab him.

"Enough of your nonsense louis take the dagger away!" Louis quickly runs and forcefully takes the dagger from Stefan's hand and put it in his pocket.

William signs in relief once Stefan's weapon was away. "You... can't stop me from killing him" Stefan says pushing damon but he was stronger, suddenly stefan swings his leg hitting damon in shins and crawls towards Damon's gun that was on floor.

Before harry or louis could reach, stefan already had the gun in his hand and was pointing towards louis. "You deserves to die but living in this shitty world is enough your punishment !" He snaps and louis steps forward because a bullet can't kill him.

Stefan smirks saying, "you'll feel the pain how it feels to lose someone you love" and with that he points the gun at william who was next to harry and shots without waiting...... before louis or harry could save william he already was shot....in chest...

𝐓𝐨𝐦𝐥𝐢𝐧𝐬𝐨𝐧 𝐁𝐫𝐨𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐫𝐬Where stories live. Discover now