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"woah- harry Edward this is very expensive you don't need to do that" louis says looking out of the window at one of the most expensive restaurants in new York, harry and Edward chuckles at the brothers reaction

"Trust me love we can afford more than this " Edward says and then harry adds "and for you guys we can do anything" he winks and william smiles while louis blushes, he's not used to being treated so nicely

"Now shall we" harry and Edward forwards their hand towards louis and william who gladly takes it and steps out of car, they both noticed that there wasn't a single person inside.

As they walk in louis and william gasps, "why is this place empty?" Both the brother  looks at the styles twin who smiles smugly saying "maybe because we booked the whole restaurant"

"Oh god guys you don't-" Edward shut louis by keeping one of his finger on his lips who shut his mouth at Edward's stern stare, "you both deserve more than this" harry nods and pulls William close by his waist walking him towards the main big table, he pulls a chair for him. William blushes and sits down while harry sits across from him.

Edward grabs louis'  hand and walks him towards the table and pulls the chair next to William's and louis sits down mumbling a quite thank you, Edward goes and sits next to harry across from louis and then a waiter comes.

"Would you guys like to order now or later sirs?" Edward looks at the waiter and says "we'll order later for now bring us three blood wine and one white wine your best one please" the waiter nods and leaves.

There was soft violin playing in the background, sweet flowers smell coming from the fresh flowers decorated on the window sides. William smiles looks around "this place is so beautiful"

Louis nods agreeing, "not as beautiful as both of you" harry says making william blush and louis roll his eyes fondly, "very cheesy harold" at that harry gave his adorable grin dimples popping in his cheeks and Edward can't help but lean down to kiss his dimples making harry shy.

"Aww you guys look adorable" william says and louis then scoffs saying "i know that's why i was trying to snap some good pictures of them cuddling and sleeping this morning but you didn't let me!"

William then glares cutely at his brother, "i wasn't disturbing you! And you made me mad i wanted your attention and you were ignoring me" louis then rolls his eyes saying "i fucked you just seconds before that and you're telling me i ignored you"

"Well you fucked me but didn't cuddles me later"

"I went to pee!"

"And then you went to harry and Edward and started snapping their pics instead of cuddling your brother!"

"Well you could have wait for me"

"No I'm impatient you know that very well-"

"Um....guys the drink is here let's fight at home and enjoy this date please" Edward saying making louis and william blush red in embarrassment.

"Sorry ed" louis and william said at once making Edward smile at them, louis starts drinking his wine while looking at Edward who was telling them about his work.

Harry was holding William's hand and listening to Edward while william was busy admiring Harry's large ring cladded hands holding his own
....he can't help it....his hands are big...and hot


"C'mon its not that bad harold" louis says and harry shook his head furiously, "no no no I'm taking a bite of it i can smell blood from here!" That made william giggle, "that's cause it is made of blood" and woth that he eats the spoonful of his delicious food.

Harry gulps and looks at Edward for help who shrugs and smirks saying "try it love its not that bad" and harry huffs crossing his arms while louis was still holding a spoonful of his food near Harry's mouth.

"But.... it'll taste like blood....i don't like it" harry mumbles and Louis smirks putting that spoon of food in his mouth he says "then let me have a taste of you" harry quickly grabs a spoon full of his food with no blood in it and gives it to louis who shook his head.


"I wanna have a taste you....not your food haz" harry gulps and Edward smirks when suddenly harry was feeling sweaty louis smirks and leans over the table to come close Harry's face he whispered "can't wait ride you and have a taste of to your delicious blood....daddy"

Harry lost his shit there, Edward busts out laughing and william pouts feeling bad for harry while louis was laughing loudly at Harry's pale face, "oh harry he's just kidding" william says and harry signs wiping his sweat off while Edward rubs his back laughing.

"Well i wasn't kidding about the ridding part tho"

Yup harry was sweating again.


"Let's have a dance" Edward says and grabs William's hand dragging him towards the open space while the music in the background changes into a romatic song they never heard before.

Louis looks at harry smirking making harry gulp again and only one think in his mind....what is going on in this kids brain

"Let's dance haz" and louis drags harry towards Edward and william dancing, he pulls Harry close and wraps his hand around his neck, harry finally wraps his hand around louis' waist and starts swinging slightly to the song.

"You look so beautiful tonight louis" harry whispers looking into louis' ocean blue eyes making him blush, "thank you harry" harry smiles and leans down to pec louis' cheek.

Louis suddenly stops swinging to the music and looks straight (no gay) in Harry's eyes and stands on his tip toes to reach the height where his and Harry's lips are on the same level.

Harry takes a deep breath through his mouth and licks lips when louis glances down at Harry's lips then back at his green eyes. Louis leans closer till his nose was touching Harry's, his breath hitting Harry's lips making him impatient.

"What're you waiting for kiss me you fool" louis whispers and grabs harry by the back of his head and harry smiles big and dips his head down crashing his lips with louis. Louis tilted his head to the side to deepen the kiss and harry licks at his bottom lip asking for entrance.

Louis being a tease he is was keeping his lips shut that made harry very impatient, his hand slides from louis' waist to his ass and he kneads the flesh making louis gasp and took advantage of that Harry slips his tongue in louis mouth licking every inch of his mouth making louis moan......finally after a lot of time hearing william and louis moan for each other, now louis is moaning for him....and because of him

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