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"No no no you're not getting drunk william!" Louis said shaking his head with his arms crossed, william stomped his feet like a child pouting "but i want to, please just tonight lou-"

"I said no we're going home righ-" before louis could finish his sentence william grabs Harry's hand and runs towards the bar with harry going behind him laughing and giving louis a shrug.

"This boy-" louis goes after william but Edward grabs him by wrist saying "let him enjoy lou come dance with me" louis huffs and lets Edward take him towards dance floor between all the dancing bodies.

Louis finally lets go all his stress and dances freely, Edward was enjoy as well dancing close to louis making sure no one touches louis , and at the bar harry was watching as william gulps down his third drink tonight, giggling as he asks for more harry coes at him wiping the corner of his mouth.

"Let's get some drinks" Edward whispers in louis' ear so he can hear over loud music, louis gets shiver by the raspy voice and he nods and goes towards bar where harry and william was who were giggling.

"Oh god how much did he drank?" Louis asks sitting next to William who giggles loudly looking at his brother, "hey louuuu" william goes to kiss louis but ends up falling on his lap laughing at his clumsy self making Edward and harry chuckle.

"Maybe five or six drinks" harry says making louis gasp "harry why didn't you stopped him?" Harry shrugged and Edward chuckles saying "louis lose a bit here have a drink babe" Edward hands louis a drink who huffs saying "but i don't wanna get drunk"

"And why is that?" Harry says who gave william his hand because william was whining he watches as william compares his tiny hand with Harry's large one making his heart warm at the adorable boy.

"Then who will take care william if i get drunk" louis says and Edward smiles pushing fringe back which fall from his pushed back hair. "We're not drunk lou, we'll take care of both of you babe"

"Yeah Lou don't worry we'll get you both home safely" louis looks at Edward's puppy eyes and then at Harry's beautiful dimple smile and gives up and decides getting drunk. He beeds a break from shitty life too


"Wooowww hawwy you're soooo tall" louis says looking at Harry's long lanky legs when he stands to strech his body louis giggles covering his mouth making harry coe at him, "and you're so tiny" harry says bumping louis' nose with his finger making louis scrunch his face cutely at that William giggles looking at louis' face saying "you sooo cutee lou"

That made Edward and harry smile at the scene when william goes and bumps louis' nose giggling when louis scrunches his face. "And youu cute too will" louis pokes William's cheek saying to which william blushes.

"They're so cute" Edward mumbles to which harry nods smiling "they can make anyone fall in love with them..." Edward hums and then looks at his brother saying "like you are"

Harry snaps out of his trance and looks at Edward saying "what? N-no" Edward smirks saying "i know when you're lying harry and i know the way you look at them... Absolutely smitten"

"No I'm not! I'm just their fri-"

"Oh don't play that 'friends' card on me styles, I'm your brother! i understand you and who wouldn't fell for them just look at them" Edward saying looking at louis and william who goes to kiss but both ends up bumping their noses making
them laugh and harry and Edward smile fondly at them.

"Its hard to not fell " harry mumbles and Edward replies with "agreed now let's go home, i got a text from damon saying he got emergency case so he won't come home tonight and dad said he's staying at Mr jones one of his friends place tonight soooo....we have the home to ourselves" Edward winks at harry and harry looks down blushing.

"Okay Edward let's get these two kittens home" Edward hums and both of them looks at louis and william who were now full on making out william was on louis' lap and that scene....made styles brothers pants tight.


"Nooo i wanna kisssh loulou" william whines as harry pulls him away from his brother, Edward pulls louis away who starts whining too. "No william we need to go home you guys can conti-" harry was cut off by William's lips on him making his eyes wide.

Edward was too busy to put louis in car to notice harry standing like a statue while william kisses him roughly, when Harry didn't responded william pulls back whining and stomping his feet "youuh not kissing meh bacck! Meanie big bad meanie"

Harry shakes his head to clear his thoughts and picks william up bridal style making him squeal loudly, he puts him in backseat where louis was whining but immediately stops once harry puts his brother next to him.

William climbs louis' lap and they both starts eating each others face off while harry gets in drivers seat and Edward in the passenger seat, they both had a hard time ignoring the moans coming from backseat and their pants getting impossibly tight.


"Finally" Edward says looking at a sleeping louis and william who was sleeping on top of his brother both them hugging each other lazily tired after eating making out for so long, harry looks at them through mirror and smiles, "they're adorable"

"Mmm and my boyfriends too" Edward says smirking looking at harry to see his reaction who rolls his eyes looking forward, "yeah yeah don't brag about it now"

"What? its a blessing to be their boyfriend!" Edward says proudly and harry huffs shaking his head " you're just a lucky bastard" suddenly Edward was in Harry's face, Edward's hand was gripping Harry's left thigh tightly making his breath hitch.

"What did you call me?"


Edward smirks at tge effect he has on his twin brother and he goes back in his seat. Harry signs in relief and continuous driving, there was a awkward silence for a moment till Edward broke it,

"And.... harry i need to talk to you"

"A-about what?"

"About the short kiss we shared.......baby brother" Edward smirks looking at his brother who gulps and only glances at him then acts like he didn't heard anything and continuous driving with a hard on...its gonna be a long night for sure

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