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Yo, my name was Carlos Garcia born to a middle class family with no cliche things and stuff. Just your pretty normal boring average Joe in a world where life gives you nothing. Then one day, I was just walking along down the road minding my own business. Until stupidly, I didn't know that I stepped on a man hole with the lid open. How can anyone be so dumb leaving the lid open, that's preposterous!!? Sigh, then again it's my fault for not looking down at the pathway while texting my friend. Before I fell to my sudden doom, a blue light blinded my eyes, and that's where my interesting journey started.

A planet similar to Earth but different in terms of the position of the continents. In a green lush forest, a portal emitting a faint glow opened up as an individual came out of it. Crashing down to the ground, the boy let out a groan before looking up to where the portal was as it slowly closed leaving the boy alone. The boy slowly stood up as he observed his surroundings, suddenly a grey luminescent square popped up in front of him. This, understandably, startled him. Putting aside his fears he began observing the curious square.

He rose his brows before he waited for the luminescent square to finish it's process. Not long after a ring was heard in Carlo's head. He looked at the screen before him.

Congratulations host you receive a simple system... Plz wait a moment...... You receive a message host...

Carlos' eyes widened as he saw this, he closed his eyes and proceeded to collect his thoughts. "So this is the system that everyone is talking about it, though it seems so simple compared to the ones I heard about", Carlos thinks to himself. If he was another person with a different perspective he or she would be complaining and throwing childish tantrums because the system is so simple, but to Carlos he was different, instead of throwing a childish tantarum, he just accepted it since it was given to him, why waste without knowing its capabilities. As Carlos assessed the system, he saw it was the same from the video games he played before but simpler. Before he closed the system, he saw a notification. Curious as to what was contained in the notification, he opened it.

He rose his brows before he waited for the luminescent square to finish it's process. Not long after a ring was heard in Carlo's head. He looked at the screen before him.

Congratulations host you receive a simple system... Plz wait a moment...... You receive a message host...

He opened it.

The message opened stating:

Dear host,
Let's keep this short, simple, and straight forward. Enjoy your life to the fullest that's it. And don't complain and throw tantarums at me fool, the system isn't as simple as it may first seem, but you may find that out on your own in time. Congrulations also boy, from your friendly neighbourhood, ROB.

Carlos just stared at the message speechless, thinking about the fact that he was given a second chance at life. He prayed to God and the entity thanking them before he proceeded to interact with the system. His first thought was to find out if the system had any inventory function. He found the inventory storage and promptly opened it. As he pressed the inventory button, a box appeared in front of him. He looked at the box, despite its normal appearance if you just looked inside of it, it was a bottomless pit. As he proceed to open the box before the screen appeared in front of him showing what's inside the box. As usual nothing was there except a package, he proceeded to touch the package revealing a set of items. The list of items he got:
-Zaku III 3x

 The list of items he got:-Zaku III 3x

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