Chapter 12

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Carlos POV

As my flagship and it's escorts sails through the sky-blue tunnel like mist towards home. I can't felt but excited to meet them once again.

How many days, months or years have I been waiting for this moment to return home.

After visiting and comforting Luna for a while I left as her sisters came barging in with worried expressions. I can't help but smile despite some of them have "problems" to one another but thankfully I can manage to help them to understand each other.

I was at the bridge staring the long blue tunnel that will take us home.

"Cabal, how many days left for us to reach our home galaxy?"

"Calculating........ Estimation, 3 days left after leaving imperial control space."


As I stare at the windows of the bridge wondering about the two eldar I left. How are they? I wonder.

"Cabal take care of the ship I have some business to attend to."

" As you wish commander."

I left the command bridge as I proceed towards my personal room. As I got there I immediately went to my workshop.

Once I got there I began planning to upgrade and adding new units in my army. The present army's is good but not good enough incase encountering a far more powerful army in the near future. The plans were laid out but it can't be implemented due to the constant war and some of the components needed are insufficient.

And also while I was there I manage to steal 6 black stone fortresses and along with artifacts associated with it in the Gothic Sector under the nose of the Imperium. While I despise what the emperor's action I still take pity for humanity.

I shake my head as I look at my plans.

After hours of finishing I was notified by Cabal that we're nearing to my home universe but actually it was my personal dimension space but still accepted as my home.

As I went out from the door I proceed towards my captain seat.

"Cabal, how minutes before we arrive again?"

"5 more minutes remaining commander."

"I see, where's my daughters have you seen them?"

"Ah yes your daughters commander, some of them went to the cafeteria to eat while Luna and her battle thirsty sisters went sparring in the sparring room, others went to their respective quarters either reading books or busying themselves looking at their reflection in the mirror."

I chuckle a bit before looking at the blue light tunnel. As we cruise through suddenly we were out from the tunnel. In front of us  that once a green planet was a bit covered with grey colored things possibly structures.

I noticed that the defense platform multiplied than before.

"Commander incoming transmission."

Before I can watch the screen, suddenly a wave of power that came out of nowhere went through to my body. It almost felt I was high on drugs.

Before my brain can process what's going on I suddenly met with darkness, however the last thing I saw before the darkness was a flashing light a figure whom I can't identify seems smiling and giving me a thumbs up?..... What?

Hours later........

Slowly I opened my eyes to see that I am not in my flag ship. I slowly look around that I am in a bedroom, a luxurious bedroom with fancy things around me.

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