Chapter 42

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The battle of Geonosis, the first conflict in the recent galactic history after the new sith wars that happen on thousands of years ago.

Casualties were high yet despite of all that victory was achieved. The republic forces have driven the Seperatist ships away from Geonosis and what remains were the hidden Geonosians under ground waiting to strike.

The republic forces above surface while manage to destroy some of the factories on the surface, what they didn't knew they were just distractions as numerous factories were hidden in plain sight and under ground without the detection from the sensors of the republic. Continuing pumping new battle droids to be sent in the front lines.

Thanks to the genius of General Grievous and his aide, an advanced tactical droid, 09-DG67 or Cabal he calls it. Much to the curiosity of Count Dooku but he never mentions it since he was busy training his apprentice.

The clone wars have started as both forces would claim systems to find advantages over the enemy.

In the Mid Rim battles were wage across the systems as planets whether neutral or allied in any of two super power, found themselves being under attacked either Republic or Seperatist forces.

As devastation the war can bring Skywalker Company provided relief founds to the planets who were affected by the war and established it's security forces while giving training each planet its own militia.

On other hand on Coruscant grim news was brought to the Jedi Council.

Around the council the environment was tense and grim, on the middle of the council was the hologram picture of Jedi Knight Voth, his body mutilated and beyond recognition.

It's skin shred and it's muscles torn apart as if it was kind of meat. The face of Jedi Knight Voth can only describe pain and agony despite his eye sockets taken out.

On his chest, bones protrude out of his chest as skins and muscles opened up and torn, spilling out his intestines and lungs.

The sight of the inexperienced Jedi would throw up by seeing the carnage that was done. Some of members would hold but seeing one of the Jedi being torn alive shuddered them in their spines.

Yoda in all seriousness meditate through the force as he would find why the Jedi was in this kind of state but unfortunately the Force didn't answer.

"These is not right why his body was desecrated while the clones wasn't in this kind of state." Windu spoke softly as he can't believe on what he is seeing.

"I fear we don't know Master Mace Windu as the enemy seems to have a grudge to Jedi Knight Voth in which resulted to this." Kit Fisto muttered as he ponders for answers.

Until A jedi Knight barge into the room with a frantic expression written on his face.

One of the council member was about to scold the Jedi Knight for barging in the room without permission but was beaten from the Jedi Knight for speaking first.

"Apologies Master's for barging to the room but I have information why Jedi Both was in this state." The Jedi Knight states.

The Grandmaster nods in which the Jedi Knight sends the information to the hologram.

The information then was shown to the eyes of the council it shocked them.

"Is this true? Is the information was factual?" Kit Fisto spoke in horror.

The Jedi nods before turning his head away.

The actions of Jedi Knight Voth has shook the Jedi Council to core, Yoda stayed silent and closed his eyes before he opens again and spoke.

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