Chapter 11

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Loud explosions was heard from afar, on those explosions Farah and Victoria quickly ordered their units to take cover as they wait for the big guns to arrive at their location.

"Damnit!! We're losing troops fast,  where's our big guns!? Victoria!?"

" Don't ask me!? Why are you shouting!! You're giving the enemy our position!!"

True to that a Reaver class titan looks towards them and raised its weapon against them, before it fired a loud boom was heard from the sky. A fist collided to its face as the Reaver stumbled a bit backwards. The force dented the right face of the titan, the Reaver looks towards who have done it.

From where the titan stood was a 21 metre humanoid like shape titan smokes covered the whole body before a red light lights up into its head giving almost a menacing scene. Slowly as the smoke disseminate, showing a black colored titan with its red colour on all sides of the body. Along side the humanoid titan was 3 titans that looks  the same with the one who gave a fisting to the Reaver class titan.

"Now that's cool." Farah said while admiring the mobile suits in front of them.

"Farah we have no time to admire we have a battle to be won." Victoria said shaking Farah's stupor.

"You're right"

Victoria touches a piece of device on her right ear.

At that moment their forces begin to counter attack at the Mechanicus forces who are still staring awed towards the mobile suits.

Back at the Mechanicus base.........

Hex slammed his metallic hand to the flat surface of the command table. He was in rage because the enemy has a titans arrived in time before his forces finishes them up. However he was delighted to see another a magnificent technology from the dark age of technology from if his sources are correct.

"Those bastard xenos scum!! How dare they laid hands on a wonderful piece of technology!! This is HERESY!!"

He looks at the menacing red eye of the titan with a frown to his face.

"No matter, even they have titans no one can beat our titans even the omnissiah says so!!!"

With new courage, determination and fanatical towards his omnissiah, Hex started sending waves of units despite some minor protest from his fellow tech priests which he glared at them which they went silent and continued their work.

Hex looks towards the battle field with maniacal grin.

"Soon enough the great omnissiah will reward us for our deeds. That piece of technology will be mine, all mine hehehee." He started laughing at the end which send shivers to the slaves nearby.

Back at the fight, the titans stare at each other before one raises its cannons towards them which the Zaku immediately raises it shields as the cannon from the Reaver open fire towards them.

The battle ensues once again, as titans met and fought so too at the ground below them. Both forces reach on a stale mate despite Farah and Victoria's forces suffered from the cannons of the Reaver titans. Farah uses her warhammer to smash away skitarii on left and right while Victoria elegantly dance on the middle of the battle field as she uses her blade to strike the enemy. Gore, blood and metallic parts scattered in the field as bodies of foe and friend fell on the cold ground.

"Hold on Victoria reinforcements are on their way. I have faith in Cabal." Said Farah.

"You better be sure sister because I am not happy if it is one of your jokes." Victoria replied sternly.

Farah raises her warhammer as she pour down warp energy into her warhammer as it glows silver hue. She immediately smash the ground with her warhammer as it produces a great force of electric current as it pushes the Mechanicus forces.

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