Chapter 7

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"Orders received standing by for bombing run." said a male voice yet robotic.

Up in the skies 15 vertigo bombers accompanied by 7 venom fighters flying in a V formation towards the trenches.

"Approaching target."

"Bombers activate stealth mode. Fighters engage any enemy interceptors and proceed to activate the jammers."

The cockpit of the venom fighters blink in red light before the vertigo bombers cloak its presence as they approach the base.

Trench Line.......

"Do you think they will attack?"

"Can't be sure, command says we stay put while we wait for reinforcements."

"Well that sounds promising." A guardsman said sarcastically.

The vox suddenly opens up.

"Attention!! Incoming..... iden...ti....." Said the vox in gibberish.

"What I don't understand command. Hello do you read me."

"Probably malfucntion these things are pretty easy to break."

Before his friend could reply an explosion engulf them as the flames roars high before it died down leaving little but scorch remains.

On the other side....

"Ahh!! It burns!!"

"Stay still!! Stay still!!"

Chaos and confusion ran through the imperial lines as explosions and flames engulf certain parts of it.

On the command center of the imperial guardsmen,  shouting can be heard.

"Sargent!! What the hell are those AATs are doing wasn't it was suppose to do its job."

"Don't know sir! Communications are cut off between the rest. We tried our best to restore it but something interfering the signals. Sir!"

The commander look around the map as he thinks thoroughly how to push thorough.

Suddenly a soldier comes right in battered and tired.

"State your rank and your regiment guardsman."

The soldier salutes.

"Sir!! Private Pious of the 123rd Battalion of the western flank."

"Western flank?"

Commanding officer glance at the west of the map before looking at the soldier.

"We tried contacting you before communications cut off what's going on."

"Sir enemy bombers manage to bomb our position along with the AAT gun emplacements. Heavy casualties sir as enemy fighters pick us one by one before retreating."

The commander scowled on anger.

"Darn it!! It was supposed to be a simple extermination how could this be turn into a bloody battle!?"

He calm down afterwards before he look again at the guardsman.

"Si-r we have reports that the enemy we are facing are the Red Eyed Ones sir." The guards stuttered in fear.

"Red Eyed Ones? Bah as if those were supposed to be exist. The only thing I heard about those are just some random rumours created just to pissed of the imperial guard."

Not long after explosions was heard outside as it rocks the HQ. Followed by a wail and shouts of pain.

"By the Emperor's name what the hell was that!!"

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