Chapter 10

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Inside the Ork Warboss Ship.....

Carlos POV.

I should have expected this thing to happen, but then again despite their growth they to sometimes act childish then again its my responsibility to take care of them.

I look around the corridors as my units finished of the rest of the orks.


I look down to see the Ork struggling to move my feet on his chest. I raised my rifle and blast the ork into smithereens.


"Report, did you find her?"

"No commander we swept to the lower layer of the ship where a number of human and alien sentient are held and forced to work, some were used as an entertainment for the orks, we slaughtered all orks on the lower area but no sign of her."

I held up my chin and hum as I think where she could be.


"Yes Cabal?"

"It's possible that she was held somewhere at the upper layers of the ship sir."

I look at the bot that was assigned on front of me as I hum before looking up.

"Assemble some units Cabal, were charging in."

"By your command."

Cabal leaves, I was left alone pondering my thoughts.

"(Sigh) Luna, what the heck are you thinking?"

As I proceed towards the corridors as I blast through horde of greenskins along the way.


3rd POV.

As Carlos continues his search on the ship, far below the planet the battle is still far from over. Imperial tanks fired towards (NOD) Scorpion tanks as it's armour shrugs them off, the Scorpion tanks return fire by red hot plasma laser melting the armour of the imperial tanks and hitting the engines and also burning the crew inside.

"What the emperor's name those things are made of !!?"


Red lines of hot death fired from the scorpion's turrets as it penetrate the hull of the tanks as it melted through like butter, as the shots went through the imperial tanks exploded along and it's turret in mid air.


"Traitors!!! That's insurbordination from the-"


A red line past through and hit another tank melting the armour and then exploded as the turret went into the air and landed beside it's remains.

As the imperial units saw how the enemy tanks mercilessly destroy one tank and another, dread and fear strike on their nerves.

"By the Emperor's Balls!! Retreat!!"

"You heard them lads!! Fall back!!"

"Sir receiving orders to retreat!!"

"You heard the man!! Pull it!!"

Few imperial tanks retreated, as the imperial tanks retreats soon enough the scorpion tanks follow them along with the light vehicles and armoured personnel carriers with mounted turret.

On the sky the dog fight continues, however as time goes the venom fighters are getting the upper hand as it highly manoeuvred and destroy all enemy fighters with its deadly accuracy.

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