Chapter 48

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Anakin's face morphed into frowned and grim expression as the situation isn't helping their odds of victory.

He turn around and spoke to the clone.

"Clone try to contact Resolute hopefully they are still up there fighting what ever attacked them."

"Yes general." The clone replied.

Anakin sigh in frustration as he watched the Venator burning came slowly descending before it crashed to the ground not far from the city as a large explosion was heard.

"General!! Good news the Resolute is still on the fight along with the rest of the fleet however one was lost. General Kenobi wants to speak with you." The clone spoke.

"Receive it." Anakin spoke.

The clone nods as he brought out a hologram before pressing the button in which the hologram went to life and showing Kenobi's face.

"Ah!! Anakin glad to see you alive and well (blaster fire was heard in the background as Kenobi slashed a battle droid and deflected incoming laser bolts towards him), bad news I am afraid the fleet has been hit, I am now repelling boarders on your ship (he slashed a battledroid before taking cover as laser bolts hit the solid metal he was hiding) it seems your plan was working we managed to push back the droid fighters and now on the offensive unfortunately we sent it without risking the whole fleet to enemy fighters swarming the whole fleet." Kenobi spoke as he handled the attackers.

"How about you? How things down there? We can't contact you for the last 2 hours before we are hit."

"Were okay, we got ambushed and escape but soon shot down by hundreds of AA batteries that were hidden from plain sight and now we're just about to go and rescue the squads from the crashed. Finally destroyed what seem to be a jamming tower interfering the connection of our holograms and coms." Anakin spoke in grim tone as he ushered Rex and the clones to move out.

"I see, unfortunately I can't send reinforcements to help, however the Venator that was recently crashed landed? Try rally whatevers's left of the troops and began to push forward to the city and fortify and hold your position as we wait for reinforcements." Kenobi told Anakin as he used his hand to force push dozen droids in the hall way before the clones behind him on fired at them destroying them before they could get up.

"Thank you Kenobi, I'll see what I can save from the crashed." Anakin replied as they moved towards the two crashed gunships.

"You better be hurry-zhhhhhh"

Suddenly the connection between Obi wan was cut off, Anakin tried to contact Obi wan but with no avail.

Anakin looked at Rex and spoke.

"Let's move Rex we have some troopers to save." He brought out his light saber and it sprung to life.

"Right at back at you General, you hear that boys!! We have to rescue our brothers!! Let's move out!!" Rex shouted at his clone troopers.

"Huuraah!!" The clones replied as they follow Anakin.

Few Hours passed.......

Anakin and the clones have managed to rescue the remaining survivors from the two crashed gunships, 3 pilots and half of the squad while few where injured and need some assistance to move were remained from the two crashed site. It's a tough mission to rescue them as Anakin, Rex and the clones must broke through the droids and vehicles that have engaged the remaining clones.

Now they were moving towards the downed Venator just outside of the city.

"Rex are we there yet?" Anakin asked as they move carefully out of the city.

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