Chapter 47

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As Carlos and his army were wiping out the last remnant of the Vongs, on the other side of the galaxy in the outer rim. A Republic task force were sent towards the planet Christophsis, it consist of 4 Venator Destroyers and 3 cargo ships were in hyper space jump towards the planet Christophsis. On the lead ship were Jedi Knight Anakin Skywalker and his master Obi wan Kenobi, they were on the bridge discussing battle plans as they emerge from hyperspace.

 On the lead ship were Jedi Knight Anakin Skywalker and his master Obi wan Kenobi, they were on the bridge discussing battle plans as they emerge from hyperspace

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Venator Star Destroyer

"Master, we should prepare a squad of bombers as our star fighters will engage the enemy droid fighters. With it we use one of the Venator star ship to distract the Seperatist fleet to distract them from engaging the coming bombers for a time being." Anakin explained his plan to Obi wan.

"A smart move Anakin but that will be not enough to destroy the whole fleet only rendering it damage not to mention two lucrehulk class battleships standing guard on the planet. Also we should also be ready whatever the enemy will throw at us." Kenobi informed to Anakin.

"Regardless we just need to prepare in case something happens." Anakin spoke in which Kenobi nodded.

"I hope Ray's Fleet didn't start without us." Anakin spoke in which Kenobi shook his head at Anakin before he stared at the blue swirling tunnel.

As the fleet exit the hyper space tunnel, Kenobi raised his one of his eyebrow looking where Admiral Ray's fleet had been.

"Clone try contact Admiral Ray and his where abouts they should be here waiting for us to attack the Seperatist Fleet." Kenobi asked.

"Yes general." One of the clone spoked and went into the console as he contact the Admiral's fleet.

"I have a bad feeling about this." Anakin spoke as his senses told him something bad was about to happen.

"Neither do I, Anakin, Admiral Ray's fleet should have been here waiting for us did we arrive a little bit early?" Kenobi asked in wariness in his tone as he hold his chin pondering what happen to the other Republic fleet.

"General!! I can't contact Admiral Ray's fleet however I may able to locate the Admiral's ship in this system in your order General." The clone spoked.

"Very well do it." Kenobi asked in which the clone nods in which he inputs the coordinates.

Kenobi noticed Anakin talking to Admiral Yularen before he gave the him a salute in which Yularen returned before going back on his post.

Kenobi noticed Anakin talking to Admiral Yularen before he gave the him a salute in which Yularen returned before going back on his post

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