Chapter 44

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The Republic have claimed the planet of the Homeworld of Muun after 2 months of fighting, while others think it may a Republic victory but to those who led the main force felt they achieve nothing. The cost of Republic victory is too great, half of the original main force was gone in an instant.

Unlike the original timeline where the republic suffered significant amount of casualties, here the amount of casualties is very high.

Kenobi who led the main force observe his surroundings, the city was claimed but in the cost of his own men dying and bled. Many bodies were scattered all around the city some were impaled on traps that were set by the enemy, others fell to ambushes and hit and run tactics by droids, and lastly where the suicidal charges that claimed most lives of his men.

Anakin join him soon after he was done on space the fleet suffered heavy damages and a few ships lost. It did not sit well for both the Jedi.

He sat down one of the debris as he winced as he heard the cries of the clone troopers who survived the ambushes and traps. He saw Anakin helped the troopers carrying the debris using the force to drag the unfortunate clones who was crashed in the debris.

He noticed Cody approached him.

"General, General Windu wants to meet you, he has something to discuss." Cody spoke as he showed him the hologram.

"Very well, thank you Cody." Kenobi thanked the clone in which he nods before returning his duties.

Kenobi received the transmission in which a figure of Mace Windu appeared into the hologram.

"Master Kenobi, how are you and your men?" Mace Windu asked.

"Not alright but we have captured the Muuns homeworld but it resulted half our forces decimated by the defenders. Worst of all the enemy seemed have abandoned their cities all around the planet, we didn't captured anyone but only be met by death and traps that they have set up. Many of them have claimed the lives of my men."  Kenobi grimly explained to Windu.

"That's unfortunate as much I want you to stay at that world, we have other problems I am afraid. A Seperatist invasion have struck in the mid rim and a republic fleet was sent to repel the invasion but failed. How many ships can you bring to repel the invasion?" Windu asked.

"Not much I am afraid most needed repairs immediately, and a few ships lost but still I can send 4 or 6 ships depending on their condition to repel the invasion force." Kenobi replied.

Windu nods.

"As of now we must focus in defense, our forces were spread to thin to attack the Seperatist control space. Many republic worlds have fallen or joined the Seperatist Alliance we can't let this situation even further happen. I will send the coordinates the remains of the fleet who went to repel the invasion fleet." Windu spoke.

"Very well, me and Anakin will lead the assault to repel the Seperatist invasion. Kenobi out." Kenobi spoke before the transmission ended.

"Anakin, it seems we are needed else where."

"I heard that Master, I would like to suggest to leave a garrison here for sometime in case the Seperatist ever came to claim back what is theirs." Anakin asked.

"Good point, Anakin I will tasked a group of clones to these duties." Kenobi replied.

After preparation of 5 acclamator ships along with Anakin, Kenobi and Cody went to hyper space while the rest who suffered the most went to a nearby republic based to repair the ships and transfer the wounded.

3 ships were stationed at the planet incase a fleet of Seperatist attacks them, in which a distress signal will be sent to a nearby Republic base to send reinforcements.

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