Chapter 6

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Carlos sighs before he look at the star charts of the galaxy.

"How many still left to be rescued?"

"3 location sir"

"This going another long day in the office."

Carlos looks at the map of the northern sector of the galaxy. There are red markings indicate the mission is successful. Though without a consequence despite he covered his tracks he was found as he started rescuing the sisters of silence. This lead being pursue by the imperial navy along with mechanicus on getting their hands on the ship. Ever since he was discovered he was getting chased from the imperium's powerful organizations that wanted his tech along with the inquisition. But Carlos has the upper hand since his ship don't operate warp energies to transverse to one location to another. Though secretly he send out transmissions towards the locations to inform them rescue is underway. Though this lead some relief towards the sisters some are skeptical towards Carlos but all shot down as he presented Arabalis and the others from his previous operstions. Pretty much most operations he successfully rescued all sisters of silence. Carlos engage the imperials into different campaigns across the northern sector of the galaxy, but have no intention of burning any imperial worlds. Though there were times he saved few worlds from the orcs or chaos.

During this campaign he and his army was named the "Red Eyed Ones" since his army never showed their faces only project red glow light (optics) in front of their faces. Rumours sprung into imperial worlds that the Red Eyed Ones also help few Space Marine Chapters though can't be proven.

He manage to avoid getting trap and ambush by the imperials especially the inquisition. Carlos used hit and run tactics to slow down his pursuers. This lead to become known as the 'Pursuit' where Carlos lead his pursuers into dozen of twist of puzzles and traps as he escapes. Thankfully this situation didn't reach to the ears of some space marines since most of them are busy suppressing chaos insurgence or retaliating dark eldar raids.

Carlos slumps into his chair rubbing his forehead and chuckle how stubborn and hard headed the imperials be along side the toaster fappers. He looks at the map again looking at the three cluster of blue circle on the northern part of the map.

Thankfully this one is easy since the location of the transmission are not far from each other.

"How much time we get there before the imperium and those toaster fappers will manage to get our location?"

"Calculating.... Commander estimation of arrival will be 1 hour in 30 minutes."

"Good, inform me when we arrived our location."

"Yes commander."

Carlos jumps out on his chair and walks towards the elevator.

Carlos was walking along the corridors of the ship. He walks towards the canteen as he walks in. He saw couple of sisters talking to each other on a sign language and he smiled at them. All the sisters looked where the door has open and blushed as they saw Carlos smiling at them. Carlos walks and greeted each sister along the way as he grabs a meal.

As he was done grabbing a meal he proceeds towards the clear table and eat silently. As he was eating he sense someone seated beside him. He look at the side of the bench only to be greeted by Arabalis along with Eleanes and Chrismula. The three tend to be seated with Carlos when he was around the canteen along with the sisters around them.

Ever since he showed the sisters of silence the true nature of the emperor many of them went into depression and anxiety. But luckily he was there to help them to cope their depression and anxiety. While he was away he introduced them to his dumb ai but incredible in analysis and tactical data. Many went tense about this but he assure them that his dumb ai or Cabal (since Carlos wasn't going to call computer again) was only listens to him. Thanks to Cabal he managed to take care the needs of the sisters while Carlos was away busy rescuing warrior princesses.

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