Chapter 5

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As Arabalis along with her sisters who accompanied her walks towards the area of the strange aircraft with vigilance despite their bodies about to fall after a very long siege. They approach with caution and slowly stop a meter ahead from the aircraft. The sister by the name Eleanes who accompanied Arabis ask a question in their sign language.

(Dear sister are you sure about this? Pls reconsider the situation what if these xenos are just playing with us as we lower our guard?)

(I know Eleanes it is a great risk especially these kind of situations but I have no choice, do you want to see your sisters be ravage by these disgusting filth who declared us traitors from the Imperium.) Said Arabalis filled with disgust from the imperium.

) Said Arabalis filled with disgust from the imperium

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(Not only that they backstabbed us due to our genes and needed to be eliminated.) added Chrismula another sister who accompanied Arabis.

) added Chrismula another sister who accompanied Arabis

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Eleanes just lowered her head in shame before she felt a hand holding her shoulder; she looks at Arabalis who was holding her shoulder.

(Don’t worry my sister if these xenos try to backstabbed us they will know our anger.) she smiled behind her mask.

Yet despite the mask hidden from view Eleanes felt better and nodded at her sister. A hiss was heard interrupting their conversation, the trio steeled themselves as they watched hulking figures walking out from the gunship and stood by side by side at the front of the gunship. Slowly a figure was walking down the ramp, the trio sisters gasped and was shocked seeing a human face walking down the ramp. The trio felt something on their chest as they saw the human walking towards them slowly the felt their faces hot for some reason. As the human reach towards them he smiled making their faces blushed further. Arabalis was about to say something but the man beat it first.

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