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POV. what would they do when you're sleeping? (orR HOW DO THEY ANNOY YOU-)

Aries – Sasori is silently making a puppet on your desk.. you don't see him as an enemy nor even a comrade, but things went different when he saw your room. The other's room are all messy, and deidara keeps blowing up his room with explosive clays and he was pissed.. konan's room is private, cause she was the second leader and people respects her.. so he finds himself Relaxing in your room, and surprisingly, you don't mind him making a mess.. oh, and he likes watching you sleep, but you didn't know that.

Taurus – Tobi accidentally drop his bag full of candies on the ground, causing you to wake up. Then tobi saw the look on your face.. you were wearing a scowl on your face.. he was standing there awkwardly, before dashing out of your room. Minutes later, he came back with a tray on his hand. He put the tray on the side table, before giving you a thumbs up. Then he ran away.. (btw, he brought a glass of milk with chocolate cookies so yo can sleep)

Gemini – Nope, you're not going to sleep tonight. You were sitting on a couch, with a baseball bat on your hands, having a staring contest with the one and only orochipedo. and i tell ya, he enjoys the look on your face.. discomfort and fear.. 

Cancer – Konan is a good friend, but sometimes she's an asshole to you. You woke up with paper flowers and doves around you. A flower ontop of your head, a paper dove on the window, on the ground, a bunch of paper origamis on your bed with a konan in a corner of your room. " Leave.. now. "

Leo – Pein woke you up by pulling out the covers, and starts lecturing you. You took a pillow out of no where and threw it on him, followed by a " BEGONE THOT! " from you. oh boy, ask deidara how you end up laying on the ground with a bruised head and swollen cheek.. (hint, he shinra tensei'd ya)

Virgo – You couldn't sleep.. apparently, everything was all deidara's fault. He blows up kisame's room, including the bathroom. Now kisame won't stop singing while showering. You swore that you heard him talking to someone called "weasel" and thats when you knew, he has a pet turtle.

Libra – surprisingly, deidara didn't blow  anything in your room... He loves petting your hair while you're asleep.. there was this one time he accidentally woke you up, and you saw him whistling while staring at the ceiling.. he saw the look on your face, so he said " I DIDN'T DO ANYTHING UN.." (his roommate was sasori, and sasori had enough of deidara's art antics so he kicked him out.. sadly for him, it was only temporary. ).

Scorpio – You're about to sleep, when you saw zetsu on the ground.. *sigh* again, this is zetsu's seventh time of attempting to eat you. Long story short, you're the new member in akatsuki, and he wouldn't stop following you around. You glared at him. you gave him the middle finger before turning to the other side of your bed.

Black zetsu: .... can we eat it now?

White zetsu:..w-what?! no! lets leave her/him/them alone..

you: you know that i can hear you both right? Get out.

Sagittarius – Kakuzu was just counting his money while you're asleep.. too bad for you, you didn't saw what he did before leaving your room. (He kissed your head, muttering a 'goodnight' before leaving, He actually likes you, but after remembering what he looked like or what he is, he decided to push his feelings away..)

Capricorn – Hidan.. was acting out of character. Usually, you and him would argue over simple things such as pillows, side of the bed etc. You were asleep, and you failed to notice what he did that night.. he was staring at you, with a pout on his lips. he was upset that you preferred hanging out with kakuzu than him, oh hell, even jashin can't stand this soft side of hidan. So the next day, he quickly took your arm and starts distracting you so you won't talk to anyone but him. Then everything went back to normal.

Aquarius – You knew about tobi's secret, cause he was your teammate. You still want to go back to konoha and tell kakashi (your former teammate) about it but sadly, you can't.. anyways, obito took his mask off and he was done acting as tobi.. He saw your sleeping figure, and he felt himself smile at the view. Kakashi killed rin, rin was dead, but you're still here.. he was glad. He always hugs your back everynight and you can't help it but feel flustered around him. and he was talking in his sleep--but i'm sure you don't wanna know. (hint, no hint for you. you really don't wanna know)

Pieces – Sasuke won't stop moving around and it was irritating you, long story short he woke you up by squirming around. So you took a tomato out of nowhere and threw it on him, followed by a " BEGONE DUCK " then finally, you went back to sleep. Then there was a pair of sharingan staring back at your sleeping figure, and you were terrified. 

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