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POV: who secretly follows you home to make sure you're safe?

Aries - hinata
: Not in a creepy way, but she always watch you train and hang out with everyone. She also follows you home but would sometimes stop herself to avoid her father being suspicious of her own actions.

Taurus - sakura
: Sakura is bold, she always snake her arms around yours, fangirling while flirting with you. And she is not hiding, you already knew that she is following you.

Gemini - Naruto
: He finds you different than the others. You treat him like a normal person, he was so happy. So in return, he would always follow you and make sure you get home safe. You're the first person who believed in him.

Cancer - neji
: Neji is an asshole, let's face it. But he couldn't deny his feelings when he first met you. Love at first sight, he began to follow you secretly, but he would deny anything about his feelings because he knew that loving you is a forbidden action. But he couldn't help it himself, he loves you dearly.

Leo - Gaara
: You met him in the exams. He was so cold to everyone, and only you have the guts to greet him. His sand didn't attacked you, which shocked everyone including him. Then, he followed his sand's instincts and began to grow fond of you. He always watches you and follows you to make sure you're in a safe place.

Virgo - rock lee
: Everyone hated him because of his looks and his chakra issue. There he met you, and you would always cheer and support him. He always walks you home to make you safe, and would secretly hide his feelings for you.

Libra - Itachi
: Itachi finds you intriguing. He doesn't know what it was but his mother explained it, it was love. He fell in love with you. Even though he betrayed his own family by killing everyone except you and sasuke, even though he's a member of the akatsuki, he would still follow you around without you being aware of his presence. Kakashi knew, but he also knows that Itachi's intentions are pure.

Scorpio - obito
: Obito is secretly in love with you, he would constantly follow you everywhere because you're so pretty and funny to be with. Then, you became his teammate, now he always has a reason to take you home. But when he joined the akatsuki, he never showed up. When you saw him as tobi, obito would always find an excuse to hang out with you, and that is to pretend as 'tobi' without knowing that he is obito.

Sagittarius - ino
: Ino is desperate for love, obsessed with girly stuff and romance. When she first met you, she immediately fangirled just like sakura. She would constantly annoy you to no end while trying to look pretty and sexy. She is also bold, she would follow you with or without permission.

Capricorn - choji
: You once gave him a bag of chips and chocolate as a present for his birthday and he grew fond of you. You two are classmates and strangers, only shikamaru knows his birthday but he is too lazy to bring gifts and stuff. You gave him a gift, and after that, you two would always hang out with or without shikamaru. He would always follow you home, stalking you, finding information to make sure that you're being honest with him. He's insecure of his body, why would a pretty person yourself hang out with someone like him? The more he hangs out with you, the more he fell in love with you deeply.

Aquarius - Kakashi
: Kakashi is an ignorant brat, follows rules and always lecture you about the smallest things. Obito and Rin died, he began to avoid you. You also avoid him, but after so many years, he changed. He become a funny and chill guy, you can't recognize the old Kakashi anymore. He would try to apologize but you would always avoid him as always. The only thing he could do is follow you around to make sure you get home safe, he doesn't want to lose someone again.

Pieces - minato
: Minato finds you attractive and kind of- amazing. You're so cool and badass, you're so brave and bold too. He would always stalk you, but you knew what was going on. You confronted him, and he finally told you the truth. After that, you would let him tag along after class.

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