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POV: what kind of character?

Aries – an antagonist.
- madara's partner in crime, but you were betrayed by him in the final battle. yet, your last words shocked him. you deeply care for him, and you see him as a lover. he does sees you as a lover, but his heart is only filled with hatred and rage.

Taurus – an antagonist or a supporting character.
- naruto's only friend and is also an orphan just like him. one day, someone kidnapped you and use you as a experiment. a genjutsu was casted on you, and you saw the fake naruto treating you like a trash. unfortunately, you couldn't cancel the jutsu so you died in a cave, and the others didn't knew about you and your status.

Gemini – an protagonist.
- you are sasuke's only friend. he hates you, but you always make him happy no matter what the consequences are. the day where sasuke attempts to kill sakura, you showed up instead of naruto. you pushed sakura away and you received the final blow. you died. sakura was being blamed and scolded for what happen. guilt is eating her alive, so she always visits your grave with a bouquet of your favourite flower.

Cancer – a side character.
- you're the girl who always brings hinata her favourite flowers every morning, because your parents owe the hyuga clan a lot. neji insults you for bringing a flower to a loser like hinata, but you always ignore him and his stupid words. after all the troubles and up and downs, you were also the one who decorated her wedding place.

Leo – a supporting character
- you were the only hyuga member who has a very rare curse. your life was tied to neji, if you get hurt, he also receives the same pain. he hates you and blames you for ruining his fate and destiny, then one day, you decided to lock yourself up to your room. you have a very loyal assistant who would always give you food and water. when neji changed, he tried to make contact with you but you always ignore him. so you never came out of your room because you dont want to hurt neji more. when neji was stabbed, you also felt the same pain as him. you and him both died at the same time. he told naruto his last words " i regret hating my sister for that stupid curse, if only i have time to apologize. "

Virgo – antagonist
- you are friends with tobi, and your hobbies are; flirting with konan, courting her, loving her, appreciating her. you basically show her true love and you are not ashame of it. when you found out the truth that konan died, you attempted to kill tobi. It was a stupid attempt really, but you were very desperate. you also died, yet you reunited again with the woman you love.

Libra – antagonist
- hidan's sister, you are also a worshipper of jashin. he died all because of shikamaru, and you decided to go far away where no one can see you. years passed, in the boruto timeline, the jashin issue began to spread around the village. you came back in konoha, and began to spread jashin's words. you corrupted everyone and its all because of you. until, the fight was finally over. it was shikamaru who defeated you.

Scorpio – protagonist
- ino's twin sister/brother, and you both hate each other. she's the girly type, while you're the boyish type. you dont find anyone attractive really, until one day, you bump into shikamaru. you were confused about your feelings, so you decided to confront shikamaru about your feelings. fortunately, you explained your situation in a blunt way, causing shikamaru to feel embarrassed and flustered around you. he decided to tell you that it was completely normal. back into Shippuden, you told the girls about your feelings to shikamaru, and they told you about everything LITERALLY everything about it. you approached shikamaru, but you saw him talking to a girl named 'temari'. you decided to keep your feelings hidden, and shikamaru didnt think of your feelings that much, since it was just a childhood crush and it could just go away. unfortunately for him, your feelings grew stronger.

Sagittarius – a supporting character
- you're the guard of that lady who squashed the cat into a very tight hug. you apologized to the trio about your boss being a cat obsessed-woman. you met naruto, and become his friend. you were assigned a task to a different group, the team seven. in a very tight situation, you almost gave up, when suddenly naruto gave you a whole ass speech that suddenly motivates you to win the fight. you thanked him and live your life as a independent and strong ninja. and guess what, you became naruto's secretary, and you're helping the knuckle-head troublesome hokage.

Capricorn – a supporting character
- you are choji's favourite person. you always sell chocolates, and you would always give choji an extra bar of chocolate and he was very delighted. as years goes by, your little shop ranked and turned into a chocolate factory. choji still visits you quite often, because you are his favourite person.

Aquarius – a supporting character, antagonist
- karin's twin, but you are not attracted to sasuke. you dont act like your sister, but the looks are quite similar. sasuke prefers you, because you are less annoying and less noisy. as years goes by, sasuke decided to leave the konoha village to find himself again. the rest of the group went to their own places, except you. you work as a teacher, just like shino, because you love teaching children. but you admit it, you missed the group so bad.

Pieces – main character
- kushina gave birth to two children, she was very extremely weak just like you. only naruto can carry the nine tailed fox within him, so minato didnt have any choice but to transfer the beast to naruto. you died because you are too weak, and you dont have enough energy. when naruto saw his mother again, he also saw you. red hair with violet eyes, all grown up. oh how much he misses you.

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