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POV: an arguement, and you accidentally shouted " i hate you! "

Aries – " well, i hate you too! " Kiba replied back. Being a competitive person he is, he is not backing down. He ran away, with his partner, akamaru who is hot on his tails. He got home, and things finally hit him in the head, he realize what just happened and he began to cry.

Taurus – " like i care " ino replied back, giving you a nasty glare. You glared back and left her alone. Days passed, ino can't help it but admit. She miss you, but her pride and ego is eating her alive. Finally, shikamaru had enough and decided to give her a piece of advice.

Gemini – " okay. " Itachi replied back, as he turn to leave with his partner kisame. He did love you, but a dying man who has a death wish doesn't deserve your undying love.

Cancer – " you do? " Kakashi asked, giving you a confused look. He may be emotionless and all, but losing someone again might destroy him and shatter his heart in half.

Leo – " Like i care! Cha! " Sakura replied back, stopping the urge to punch you because there is a possibility that you might die. She is strong, she is tough, and a strong woman. But when it comes to breakup, she's a cry baby.

Virgo – " I know.. " choji replied back, already insecure of himself. He already expected you to say it.

Libra – " You're kidding? " Deidara asked, giving you a shaky smile with a doubtful look. He loves you dearly, but losing you might destroy him. He would gladly kneel on the ground as he begs for forgiveness. He can't afford to lose someone as you.

Scorpio – " Like i care, plus you're boring. " Hidan replied as he marched his way through the world of ninjas while searching for gold, ignoring you, the diamond who is flawless and amazing.

Sagittarius – " Can you turn it down.. " Haku replied back, trying to block away your words. He wont believe your words, he knows you love him and he loves you back.

Capricorn – Shikamaru yawned, looking at you with a bored look. " You're just hungry, come back when you're done throwing a tantrum. " Shikamaru replied before leaving you alone. It was too late for him to realize that you were deadly serious that day. After that, he never saw you.

Aquarius – Neji glared at you, he shut his eyes close before turning around. He scoffed, trying to stop the urge to cry right in front of you. " You're a big liar, you know that? "

Pieces – " You jerk! I know you don't hate me! " After that, naruto began to pester you the whole day. But after that day, he got tired of you constantly ignoring his existence. So he practically begged for your forgiveness.

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