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I wiped my eyes frantically and Niall released me from his grip.

I cannot believe that I just came out to him. I barely knew him for Christ’s sake. But there was this thing about him that I couldn’t quite place; he was so inviting. He seemed like he genuinely cared about what I was saying and how I was feeling. He was starting to squeeze in between the deep layers that the real me was buried under.

We pulled away from each other and both let out deep sighs. Niall was staring at me again, his eyes swimming with concern and…something else. It looked like…no it couldn’t be…

I shook the thought from my head. That was ridiculous. He wasn’t gay. He was just a good friend.

He wiped the last small tear from my cheek.

Why was he still staring at me?

I cleared my throat and he broke his gaze.

“Are-are you going to be okay?” He asked, his voice barely above a whisper.

“I’ll be fine. You don’t need to worry about me.” I smiled.

“I can’t help but worry about you.” He was back to whispering again. I furrowed my eyebrows at him.

“What do you mean, Ni?”

“I care about you Harry. I’m your friend so if your hurting, it hurts me. I want to see you happy.” He gave me a tired smile.

I patted his leg; my life may not have been perfect so far, but it was going to get better. Now that I was sure Niall wasn’t just going to skip out on me like everyone else had. I knew Niall wasn’t going to abandon me.

It was getting late. I let out a wide yawn as I stretched my arms above my head.

“Tired?”  Niall giggled.

“Completely knackered,” I retorted, my eyes heavy.

“You can stay here, if you want.”

I laid my head back onto his shoulder, looking up at him.

“I would like that,” I said, my eyes closed. I knew if I kept them close any longer I would fall asleep right here.

Niall grabbed my hand and led me to his room. Almost forgetting where I was, I stripped down into my boxers. This earned a small gasp from Niall.


“I-I guess I forgot where I was for a second,” I chuckled.

He let out a loud laugh. I had never heard this laugh from him; I think it just became my favorite thing about him. Whether he was aware of it or not, he really had a way with making me warm from the inside out.

“It’s ok Harry.” He winked at me and then stripped down until he was in his boxers too. We both let out a laugh when we realized that we were both wearing the same black boxers.

“I… can sleep in here…if you want...”

I looked at him with wide eyes.

He let out a shaky laugh, “The couch isn’t very comfortable…”

“Oh okay. If that’s okay with you…” I gestured to him.

He only smiled as he climbed into his big, soft bed.

“I haven’t had a sleep over with anyone in a long time,” I smiled and I climbed in after him.

The room was just dark enough that it calmed me. A small amount of light came through the window, making it so I could just make out the features of his perfect face. We first lay facing the ceiling; neither of us spoke, we just laid there in the darkness for a few moments.

My mind was full of questions. Why was he always staring at me? Why did he just accept me out of nowhere with out hardly knowing anything about me? He seemed accepting as it was, but for some reason I got the vibe that he was different with me; I couldn’t quite put my finger on it.

I wanted to ask him all of these things. I wanted to know in what way he cared about me and how much. I wanted to know if he felt the same way I did. But I couldn’t just come out and ask him. He already knew I was gay, and I was pretty sure he wasn’t. I didn’t want to jeopardize anything, but at the same time, there was a fire in me that burned to know what he was thinking.

We turned to face each other at the same time. The covers were barely covering our hips. This was like a fantasy that I didn’t want to wake up from; I didn’t want reality to sink in. Niall and I would never be anything more than this. More than friends.

“Hey, are you alright Harry?” he asked through the darkness.

“I guess so. Just a lot on my mind.”


“I’m not sure if I should tell you…yet.”

“I understand. Whenever you’re ready, I’m here.”

I couldn’t stand it anymore. I didn’t care how he felt. I mean I did, but I wanted to know so badly.

I didn’t have to ask how he felt, though; what Niall did next answered that question for me.

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