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I knew why he was lying. But I just couldn't believe he hadn't told me, his own best friend.

He was ashamed of his family.

He would get this way sometimes; he would be withdrawn for a while, but would eventually come out of hiding.

When he did, he usually came straight to me. I was always there for him.

But whatever was going on with him right now, he was keeping from me.

I put both hands on the steering wheel; I didn't want my anger to get the better of me and go off the road. I tried to put it out of my head and focus on the road, but I just couldn't. He wasn't just lying to me; he was lying to Louis and, above all, Harry. I saw the way they looked at each other; it wasn't just an infatuation between the two of them, it was love. You could practically see the sparks ignite between them when they were together.

And here Niall was, keeping this from him.

How could he not tell him about his family? How could he keep a part of his life that was so big from someone he cared so much about?

I pulled up to his flat and practically ripped my seatbelt off, walking quickly towards his door. I knocked loudly.

No answer.

"Niall Fucking Horan! I know you're home! You can't hide from me forever!"

The door opened slowly, revealing one blue eye peering back at me through the crack.

I pushed the door open and rushed inside, but when I turned to look at him, all bad thoughts left my head. In front of stood my best friend, but he looked so broken; more broken than I had ever seen him before. His eyes were red and bloodshot; he had bags under his eyes and they were so puffy I was surprised he could even see. His hair was greasy and stuck up in all places, like he hadn't showered in a few days.


He looked up at me, his eyes glistening through the small, puffy slits.

"Niall wha-what happened to you?" I questioned, my mouth hanging open slightly at his appearance.

He looked at me for a second through his swollen eyes before they started to fill with tears. He let out a small choking noise as he fell to his knees and burying his face in his hands.

I rushed to his side, all anger I had flying out the window. Now wasn't the time for questions, he needed me more than I had thought.

I grabbed him with both arms; his body shook as he sobbed into his palms.

"I'm...s-s-sorry," he breathed through his tears.

My heart broke.

"Niall, there's nothing to be sorry for," I assured him.

He paused for a moment, tears still wracking his thin frame.


He looked up at me through blurred eyes, the blue of his irises barely visible.

"Zayn...I'm so sorry..."

"Niall, there's nothing to be-"

"I have leukemia..." he whispered, sobbing even harder, his body trembling violently as he collapsed into my arms.

And just when I thought my heart couldn't break any more, it did.

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