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I could feel his eyes on me.

Louis, being the oblivious, friendly nutcase that he is, smiled at him. I watched on in horror as Louis asked him if everything was alright. Niall shook his head; Louis introduced himself to the blonde boy.

Then, he did the unthinkable.

Louis, obviously still not noticing how red my face had become, invited him to sit with us!

Niall nodded politely and thanked him with a smile.

I was sweating profusely; I hoped to God no one could tell.

“Niall, this is Harry.” Louis gestured to me as Niall looked on.

I waved slightly, still recovering from shock.

“Oh, yeah! I know Harry; he’s in my art class!” Niall beamed.

Louis eyes went wide, noticing what he had done.


Suddenly, Louis got a mischievous look on his face.

“Oh, you don’t say?” Louis gave me the evil eye. “And has our young Harold here been pleasant?”

Niall didn’t look like he knew how to answer that. “Err—yeah I suppose so. I mean, we don’t talk much…” Niall looked down.

Why did he look like that bothered him so much?

“Yeah…. ‘m not much of a talker, really. Just ask Lou…” I chimed in, which prompted surprised looks from the other two boys at the table.

“I’m quite surprised you’ve said anything just now, to be honest,” Niall laughed.

I chuckled at that. I obviously didn’t give off a very good first impression. Though that didn’t surprise me; I hadn’t been a very sociable person in quite some time. Louis stuck around only because he knew the real me; or, rather, the person that I used to be. I knew he hoped I would be that person again, and that’s why he stuck around.

There was a long silence.

“Well, I’m gonna use the loo, I’ll be back in a second…” Niall let out nervously.

As soon as he was out of sight, I kicked Lou hard under the table.

“Fuck! What the hell was that for?” He yelled.

“You’re a complete idiot, Tomlinson.”

Louis smirked, still clutching his shin.

“That’s the bloke, isn’t it?” He grinned an evil grin. Ear to ear, I might add. He could be so devilish sometimes.

“Like I said, you’re an idiot,” I repeated, this time glaring daggers at him.

He obviously had some sort of clue, or else he wouldn’t have invited him to sit with us.  This was all part of some scheme…… although, Louis wasn’t ever one to try and set me up.

“Don’t you say another thing to embarrass be, Louis, or so help me God, I will end you,” I growled.

Louis laughed, “Alright, alright, mate. But you should honesty pluck up the courage every now and then to go after something you want. Or you’ll be miserable forever; I’m sick of seeing you just go through the motions in life. You’re not yourself and you know it.”

“I’m just fine the way I am, Lou.”

Niall returned to the table.

Louis gave a tight smile; I just looked down. I could feel the tension at the table.

“So, what are you guys up to today?” Niall asked cheerily, though I could sense a slight shaking in his voice.

Why was he so nervous?

“Oh, nothing. We missed class because princess here decided to sleep in.” Louis chuckled as he motioned to me.

Niall laughed. “Catching up on your beauty sleep, eh Harry?”

I huffed. Why did everyone always have to gang up on me?

“Can’t a man just sleep in every now and then?” I rolled my eyes. Louis and Niall exchanged nervous glances.

“Anyways, why do you ask Niall?”

“I was going to see if you two wanted to come to this party tonight up in the mountains. There’s going to be tons of kids from school, maybe it’ll give you guys a chance to meet some new people.”

“Oh we—“

Just before I could finish my sentence, Louis slapped his hand over my mouth, making me cry out a little.

“We’d love to come! We should exchange numbers!”

“Sure!” Niall smiled. “Here’s my phone, put your guys’ numbers in. Can I see yours and ill put mine in too?”

Louis gave me the side-eye…the evil side-eye.

“Here, I don’t have my phone on me, so here’s Harry,” he snatched my iPhone out of my hands, which caught me off guard. “Put your number in and we can figure out the details!”

Niall grinned, a little too wide, as he put his number in my phone.

“I’ll see you guys later then!” Niall packed up his stuff and walked out the door, waving as he went.

When Louis saw my face, he almost burst into tears with laughter.

“I hate you.”

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