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“I WIN AGAIN!!!” I screamed as I threw my hands into the air.

“Asshole. You always win,” Louis pouted.

I grinned widely and gave him a punch on the shoulder. He just rubbed it and continued to pout. He was always a sore loser, even if it was just a video game.

“Well, Lou, this has been fun but I think I’m gonna turn in for the night,” I said with and exaggerated stretch.

Lou smiled a bit, still rubbing his shoulder. “Alright, Haz, see you in the morning. And don’t make us late for class again tomorrow!” He narrowed his eyes at me.

I chuckled, giving him a playful wink.

“I won’t!” I yelled from the hallway as I skipped into my room.

I flipped on the light and flopped onto my bed. I grabbed my phone instantly from my back pocked where it had been all night. As I unlocked it, I saw a missed call from Niall. I called him back eagerly, hoping he wasn’t asleep yet. When he picked up, I felt my heart flutter a bit when I heard his voice come over the other end of the phone.

            “Hello?” He answered groggily.

            “Hey, Ni. Did  I wake you up?”

            “Oh, hey Haz. No I’m up. Just a bit knackered. Zayn just left.”

            “Oh, yeah? Did he talk about whats going on with him and Lou?”

        “Bit strange. He wasn’t very talkative when I brought it up. They really must not want anyone to         know.”

        “Lou’s confused, I’ll tell you that. But I told him to just let things play out and everything will be         okay.”

        I could hear a smile break on his lips, “Some sound advice, Styles.”

        I laughed a bit, “Well I just wanted to return your call. I’ll let you get to bed. I’m beat too. See you         tomorrow?”

        There was a long pause on the other end.


        Still silence on the other end.


        “Oh. Sorry Harry….Umm…no I wont make it to class tomorrow…I have a…um…a…thing…to go         to…” he trailed off suspiciously.

        I raised an eyebrow, even though he couldn’t see it.

        “A thing? Is everything okay?”

        “Yeah…everything’s fine…just a family thing…”

        He was acting really weird. I could hear a twinge of nervousness lingering in his words.

        “Okay. Well…talk to me when you can, okay?”

        “Okay Haz…”

        “Goodnight, Ni.”

        “Night, Harry.”

The line went dead. The whole last half of that conversation didn’t feel quite right to me. There was something he was leaving out, but I didn’t want to pressure it out of him. The last thing I needed was to do something that would push him away.

Still, though. I couldn’t help but feel a bit off after he hung up. There was a knot in the pit of my stomach that told me something was up. But there was nothing for me to do now but lay my head on the pillow and let sleep take me.

But not before setting my alarm, or Lou would kill me.

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