❝𝐒𝐰𝐞𝐞𝐭 𝐀𝐩𝐨𝐥𝐨𝐠𝐢𝐞𝐬❞

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I've been sitting in my room, thinking of candy... But something was missing. I felt terrible. I felt as if I had hit the rock bottom. Hard. Only that I didn't cry, but she... My starshine filled my mind. She was all I could think of. All of my world. Why was I so selfish? So silent. She was out there, trying to forget me...

"I do not understand... Have I said something wrong... She isn't my family... She's my friend... That isn't the same. Is it?" — an Oompa Loompa looked at me, I instantly realized what it was that hurt Y/n... "Oh no... Oh, no. No, no, NO, NO, NO, NO!!!" — I ran out of my office, through the corridors all the way to the great glass elevator.

"I'm coming starshine! Hold on!" — I muttered to myself as I pressed the button to market, I needed to find the Bucket boy, he would surely know where she is. I need to find her, I won't ever forgive myself if something happened to her because I wasn't there.

Once I landed, I knew, the little shoe polisher was Charlie Bucket. I tried but decided against acting, Y/n was all I could think of. "Charlie, my boy, where is Y/n?" — I asked him, he looked at me as if I was asking about someone who didn't exist. "She's at home. She's been feeling quite strange." — said the boy. That was the moment I realized she must have felt it. She felt the pain. And I was so blind to see it.

"Come along Charlie, please take me to her!" — I begged and he obliged. We walked along the city streets, I couldn't wait to see her. She had to be somewhere. She was probably home, yes, perhaps I was overreacting. I thought, but the moment Charlie and I walked to her home. That was when I saw that she was not just a good godmother to Charlie, oh no, no.

I saw Mr Wonka just stare at the house. Well, godmother actually lived in a mansion. She was quite the rich woman. And she was happy to help my dad get his job back after he lost it, and she employed my mother, after seeing how badly we had fallen, because my parents usually told her we don't need her help. And she, trying to be nice and respectful, believed them.

What it was that made her so overwhelmingly sick as of late, I didn't know. "That's her house, Mr Wonka." — I said as he finally snapped out of what seemed like a trance. He walked forth and rang the bell of the mansion. That was when godmother's brother appeared. "Ah, Charlie, how's my favourite godson?" — he asked me, "I'm doing great ever since godmother Y/n helped us out, thank you for helping us again." — I said, "And who's this gentleman, Charlie? Is he a friend of yours?"

"Godfather, this is Mr Willy Wonka. The most famous chocolatier in the world!" — I said, making my godfather raise a brow, "Is that so?" — he asked as he eyes Mr Wonka, "Do come in, it's so chilly outside. I don't want your godmother to get even more sick." — he said as he closed the door behind us, Mr Wonka seemed quite upset about something.

"Will you join us for tea? Your godmother will be coming down soon." — he said, I nodded and took Mr Wonka by the hand, leading him to the main living area. It was quite obvious that my godparents are rich, they inherited it from their parents after all. And it seemed that they were more than aware that as brother and sister they had to share it.

But as we took a seat, a servant and good friend of my godparents entered the room, "Ah, Charlie my boy, what type of tea would you like? Or would you like some hot chocolate?" — said Albert, he was this kind elderly man who actually was like a father to my godparents, they appreciate him quite a lot. "I'd love some! How about you, Mr Wonka?" — I asked, he nodded, not saying anything.

But the moment the door of the great living room opened, there stood my godmother, holding onto my godfather for dear life. She seemed quite ill. It had barely been a month, and she was sicker than a rat with plague. "Oh deary me, Charlie, it's so lovely to see you again." — she said as I got up to hug her, she hugged me back, and I felt her sniffle a little. "Are you alright, Y/n? You sound so ghastly sick." — I said, but then soon realized it wasn't the most polite thing to say, "I'm sorry godmother."

I smiled as he apologized, he wasn't wrong, however, because I had indeed felt quite sick lately. And I looked quite dreadful. "Don't apologize, Charlie, you're quite right about my appearance." — I sighed as I took a seat close to the fire, not even noticing there was another person in the room. However, I soon heard two pairs of feet move out of the room. I thought it was Albert and Richard who left. Only for me to look up and be met with the pair of dark chocolate brown eyes. I felt my lungs tighten, I felt slightly dizzy too.

"W-Willy..." — you stuttered, he looked at you with those eyes, and he looked down to your lips, causing you to blush involuntarily. "I want to tell you just how much I regret ever saying those words at the Buckets' house..." — he said as a single tear fell down his cheek. You slowly led his face down to your own. You wiped the tear away with your thumb, gently caressing his handsome face. "What was said had been said, and it doesn't matter any more, because it is in the past." — you smiled as he pressed his lips gently against yours.

You felt yourself become slightly warmer, and when he finally pulled away from you, he stammered, "I-I'm sorry, y-you probably shouldn't kiss me." — you tilted your head in confusion, "And why not, Willy?" — you asked, making him look away in shame, "You have a husband, don't you? That man who is Charlie's godfather?" — suddenly you burst out laughing, almost wheezing as well. "What's so funny?" — he asked, but you couldn't stop laughing. Soon enough, however, you took a deep breath and smiled.

"Charlie's godfather is my brother, Willy. The Buckets decided that when Charlie was going to be christened, I'd be his godmother. Later, when he received sacred confirmation, my brother was going to be his godfather." — you chuckled as he looked at you in disbelief, "S-So you're not..." — you raised your hand and chuckled once more, "Do you see a ring upon this finger? No. Which means I am free game, Willy."

He picked you up, and you kissed once more, embraced in a wonderful warm hug. You couldn't believe that Willy came to apologize, and especially that he came to make sure you were alright... He soon broke the kiss and looked at you with what seemed like tears in his eyes, "I love you, Y/n." — he said as he held you, and you only smiled, your lips only an inch away, "I love you too, Willy Wonka." 

My Lost Starshine (Willy Wonka x Reader)(2005)Where stories live. Discover now