•𝗟𝗼𝗼𝗸𝗶𝗻𝗴 𝗕𝗮𝗰𝗸•

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A/N: Flashbacks in italics.


Nikki's POV, February 5th 2008

It's the recording sessions today and I was both excited and nervous, I knew I had to go- it was important and I wasn't going to let my feelings for Tommy get in the way of creating music, I had Vince and Mick to distract me anyway.

Right now I was waiting for Vince to pick me up, and I know I said to Tommy that Vince was picking me up because of my atrocious memory and that's still part of the reason but my car is actually in the garage right now, my clutch died on me the other day so I had to get that fixed so I don't have a car at this exact moment in time.

I was just finishing getting ready, Vince was due here any minute so I was just sat at my vanity table wasting as much time as I could, I had a number of pictures lined up on my vanity, all of them of Tommy and I- I know that seems weird to have pictures of your ex boyfriend on your vanity but we're best friends so I do have a reason for them to still be there, I'm not a weirdo.

One of my favourites was one from the party which was thrown when 'Dr Feelgood' reached number one, it was a party without the alcohol and drugs and it had been a surprisingly good get together, it was nice to laugh with the guys and spend time with Tommy talking about how we got to that point cause it was tripping us out how well that album did.

Tommy and I were sat in our bedroom after having been with Vince, Mick, Doc, Doug, Bob Rock and a shit tonne of other people like record label officials to celebrate the album getting to number one.

It had been an interesting experience with no alcohol around but it actually was nice to talk and not accidentally offend anyone or zone out of conversations, it was nice talking and having a good time without having to wake up with a killer hangover.

Everyone had only left an hour ago, and we'd spent the time since they'd left cleaning up after them, there wasn't too much mess really but Vince is a messy bastard so he's left a pile of trash for us to clean up- how can one guy be so messy?

The thing about that is Vince is actually pretty clean at his own place but at ours? Ha, no, that goes straight down the drain, we love him regardless.

After we'd cleaned up and headed upstairs and sat down, Tommy and I just kinda looked at one another before we both simultaneously broke out with smiles on our faces.

"Has today really happened? Actually, fuck that, have the last few months really happened, because I'm struggling to believe it" I say with a little disbelief.

"Yeah, baby, it really happened... all of this really happened"

"Good, because nothing can feel better than this, nothing" I grin unable to stop fucking smiling, it had only just sunk in, tonight had really hammered home the fact that this was real- we'd got a number one album... Mötley Crüe had actually got a number one album.

Tommy gazes at me softly "I don't think I've ever seen you as happy as you are now... I mean, achieving this means a lot to all of us... but it's more than that for you, isn't it?"

I nodded, it was true- as much as this meant to Tommy, to Mick, to Vince and all the other people involved it meant so much more to me, this is my band, we're together because I wanted my own band where I was in control, something that was mine, that may sound big-headed, arrogant and controlling but that's not what I mean- I never had anything to call mine was I was a kid, I never formed many lasting attachments because I moved around so much, I never had control over my life, over what I wanted.

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