•𝗥𝗲𝗰𝗼𝗿𝗱𝗶𝗻𝗴 𝗔𝗻𝗱 𝗖𝗼𝗳𝗳𝗲𝗲•

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Tommy's POV, 1st March 2008

Another day, another recording session. It wasn't so bad, it's been a few days since our last one, the last one was on the 23rd so it's been over a week, it was gonna be nice to get back to work after that mini break but I think it was needed for me, honestly.

I'm at a loss of what to do with Nikki still, I don't think that'll ever change- maybe we never should have been together... maybe it was all a mistake, we should have though about if we broke up the affect it would have on our work and friendship but we didn't, I know it never crossed my mind- I can't talk about Nikki's mind but I'm fairly certain it never did either because he'd have told me about it.

We didn't think the consequences of being together through, we were young and so in love with one another that nothing else mattered, well maybe it should have.

Nothing can be changed now anyway and I don't like to picture a life where Nikki and I weren't together because he was everything, the years I spent with Nikki were the happiest of my life, I'm not sure if I could truly say they never should have happened.

I had just arrived at the studio and was about to get out the car, we weren't doing a lot today, well, I wasn't at least, the main job today was down to Vince as we were putting vocals on a couple of backing tracks we had, I might be needed if we find when Vin goes to sing the melody doesn't fit the backing track.

I'll just try and come up with some new beats because you never know when you need extra options for a song, so I decide to just get in there.

When I got out my car, the first I saw was Vince and Nikki standing against the wall next to the door to enter the studio, smoking and laughing. I liked watching Nikki and Vince get along, I don't know why, I just love their friendship. They'd rarely admit it publicly but it's known that if one of them died, the other wouldn't know what to do with himself, I mean that was proven when Vince had his car accident in '84 and Nikki had his overdose in '87.

I love the dynamic with the four of us though, it can't ever be replaced or replicated, we tried that with John Corabi and yeah, we could have a laugh with him but we couldn't use any inside jokes because he wouldn't understand and we just had too much history with Vince for anyone to ever replace him.

Even when I left the band, the other guys have at different points said it wasn't the same, it wasn't right because Mötley Crüe is the four of us, it's me, Mick, Nikki and Vince, nobody more, nobody less.

I closed the door of my car and began making my way over to the two men, it was Vince who spotted me first, his face lit up a little and he grinned.

"T-Bone" Vince said pushing himself off the wall when I was closer and taking a few steps to give me a hug, I returned it and patted the signer on the back.

"Hey, bro"

My eyes then shift to Nikki who was stood there still against the wall, he smiled and nodded who's taking a drag of his cigarette, so when Vince and I let go of one another I addressed him "Nik, you alright?"

He nodded and exhaled the smoke "Yeah, I'm good- you?"

"I'm fine dude, all good with me"

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