•𝗚𝗲𝘁𝘁𝗶𝗻𝗴 𝗧𝗼 𝗚𝗿𝗶𝗽𝘀•

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Nikki's POV, 5th March 2008

It was many many hours later, the next day to be exact, yesterday wasn't productive, at all, we just fucked all day, only stopping for food and a shower, the shower became almost irrelevant though very very quick seems as the second we were out of the bathroom we were all over one another again.

I was surprised at how long we went on for, granted we've always been able to have a lot of sex but I thought maybe me or Tommy wouldn't be able to hold through that much but I got proved wrong- why did I ever doubt Tommy's sex drive?

I don't know what time it was right now, all I knew is that it was morning and I'd literally just woken up, I'm not sure why I'd woken up at first but then I felt something on my side, it had to have been Tommy unless someone broke in here in the middle of the night and is gently caressing my side, highly unlikely.

Last night we'd fallen asleep in pretty much this position, Tommy behind me cuddling me though he'd clearly woken up before I had and for whatever reason was feeling me up a little- not that it bothered me much.

I felt Tommy's hand run slowly down my side for the god knows how which made me smile and bite my lip a little, but instead of going back up to come back down again his fingers kept going down and then slipped down across the bottom of my stomach, and then onto my leg- I know Tommy was aware I was awake yet, so I decided to surprise him.

"You know I'm awake right?" I said, my eyes still closed not having any reason to open them and the second I spoke Tommy's hand movements stops and he clears his throat a little.

"Oh, shit, sorry dude... I er-... well, I was just-" the drummer stutters a little which makes me laugh and cut him off.

"Relax, T-Bone... Jesus, I liked it... don't worry"

Tommy breathes a sigh of relief "That's good... I don't know why I was doing it, it was kinda subconscious... I guess I'm just remembering your body... you've hardly changed"

"You say that like you have" I pointed out "You're still the same too"

"Yeah, I know... it's just it's been ten years, I'm expecting something to have changed"

"The only thing that's changed is our ages, we're old men now"

"You're older than me"

"Don't remind me of that man, please- I try not to think about it" I groan.

"Guess who's fifty in a few months" Tommy sang irritatingly and I opened my eyes rolled over so I'm on my other side facing the drummer.

"Remind me again and they'll be consequences" I threaten, poking the drummer hard in the chest, we both knew it was an empty threat but that didn't mean that I wanted to hear the fact I'm fucking old.

"Ooh, punish me, daddy" Tom said purring obviously joking but the remark creeped me out all the same.

"Never ever say that to me again, ew-... just no"

"Why not?"

"Cause it's disgusting- I ain't nobody's Daddy and I never want to be" I state seriously "Say that again and I'll choke you and don't you dare get all kinky on me and say you'll enjoy it because I know that's bullshit"

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