•𝗠𝗮𝗸𝗲 𝗜𝘁 𝗢𝗳𝗳𝗶𝗰𝗶𝗮𝗹•

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Tommy's POV, 10th March 2008

It had been eight days since Nikki turned up on my doorstep, finally letting himself act on the things he's wanted to for such a long long time.

There's still work for me to do though, I was aware of that fact, Nikki still hasn't said I love you back to me yet, and I get his hesitance to do so, but he doesn't need to be hesitant... I know he regrets what happened, but he needs to stop holding it against himself.

I've been trying to get him to forgive himself and I think I've made a tiny bit of progress, he loosens up a little more everyday getting more aquatinted to being back with me. But he was still holding back, I had a plan to stop that though, Nikki wasn't in right now, he'd gone out shopping and to collect some stuff from his place so I was cooking us dinner and was going to try and get him to say the thing I've wanted to hear for ten years.

Today, I was also going to use this dinner as a way to ask Nikki if he wants to make it official, I want him back and I need him to agree. A part of me was scared he was going to freak and run away but he promised he'd follow his heart and I knew his heart was with me.

For dinner then I was making an effort, Nikki was due to be back soon and I'd showered, dyed my hair and got dressed into one of my finest button up shirts and nicest denim jeans, I don't know why I felt the need to look presentable but fuck it, why not?

Needless to say, waiting for Nikki was both an exciting but nerve wracking experience, I didn't know how he'd react, I'd find out soon enough though.

Over the last week we'd actually skipped some recording sessions, due to being to tired from fucking constantly but it wasn't that important, Vince and Mick had things to work on and perfect so Nik and I weren't really needed.

I'd had calls from both men saying they'd been trying to call Nikki and he wasn't answering, asking if I'd heard from him, I said I'd seen him and said maybe he just didn't want to be bothered- they didn't believe a word of it but I didn't want to tell them what we'd been doing until we're officially back together... so hopefully that happens today so I can give an explanation to Vin and Mick.

It took about another twenty minutes of waiting to finally hear Nikki's car pull up outside, so quickly I got the two plates of food out of the oven, where I'd put them about fifteen minutes ago to keep warm and placed them on the dining room table, which was set ready. I then dropped the towel I was using to carry the plates onto the table and ran over to the door where the sound of Nikki's keys unlocking the door.

The second the door opened and Nikki stepped into the house placed the bags he had in his hands onto the floor I got next to him and covered his eyes, he froze and I felt him raise an eyebrow under my hand "Hello to you too"

"Sorry, but I didn't want you to see anything" I tell him which didn't offer him much explanation to what I was doing.

"Well, I can see that, believe it or not- hence why I can't see shit, can I at least put the stuff I've brought upstairs?"

"No, you can put them upstairs later, what I want to do has to happen now"

The man sighed "What are you doing, Tommy?"

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