•𝗦𝗲𝘁𝘁𝗶𝗻𝗴 𝗜𝘁 𝗦𝘁𝗿𝗮𝗶𝗴𝗵𝘁•

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Nikki's POV, 10th April 2008

Today was the day of the interview, the interview where we announced we were back together- was I nervous? Kinda, but I wasn't sure why, we'd done an interview like this before, that was many years ago and there was way more stigma stray he'd to being gay back then so it was more of a deal back when we first did this.

Why am I freaking out about this now? God knows honestly, I freak myself out all time over nothing, so this is no exception to that.

I was sat on the couch right now, biting my nails, a nervous habit of mine, so when Tommy walked into the room and saw me doing it instantly knew what was up "Why are you anxious? There's no need to be" he asks softly as he buckled up his belt.

"I don't know... I just... am" I sighed and Tommy went to speak, but I cut him off knowing exactly what he was going to say "I know it was my idea, I just freak myself out, I want to do this... it's just... this is gonna sound so dumb, but what if people hate me... what if people still hate me for what I did to you and think we're not gonna work again"

"Nik... nobody's going to think that or anything close to it... all we get asked is if we're going to get back together, people won't hate you, you're just saying that because your head is still arguing with your heart about this... but tell it to shut up, because I love you and you love me, we worked before without a problem... now is no different, okay babe?"

"Yeah... I'm sorry, I know it's stupid and I'm being a dumbass but I can't stop it sometimes... it's just part of who I am"

"You're not being a dumbass, you never have been, you just overthink that doesn't make you stupid, if you want to look at stupid then look no further than right in front of you, I'm the dumbass of the century"

"No, you're not"

"I literally called Mickey Mouse a rabbit the other day, I'd say that's pretty dumb"

I laughed remembering the moment in vivid detail "Okay, that's a good point... like how fuck do you call Mickey Mouse a rabbit? Mouse is literally in his name"

Tom groans "I don't know dude, I just like forgot... I had a dumb blonde moment"

"That's usually Vince's job"

"Well, we're all allowed one dumb blonde moment at least once in our lives" T-Bone says smiling.

"You have more than most"

"Thank you, I'll take that as a compliment"

"You do that, cause it certainly wasn't one" I tease standing up.

Tom rolls his eyes but says nothing more on the matter "Ready to go then?"

"As ready as I'll ever be, shift it then, get your lanky ass out the door"

"We're going" he nods grabbing my jacket and throwing it to me, as well as grabbing his own, we place our jackets on and quickly leave the house where we get into my car, but this time Tommy opts to drive.

We travelled to the MTV studio in LA, we got there without any real fuss, we got insides and gave our names, being given passes and then led through the building immediately into a studio and sat down in a couple of chairs, being soon fussed over by hair and makeup, not that they needed to do much because we did all that ourselves- then some guy came over and offered us drinks, we took a bottle of water each, and it didn't go unnoticed by either me or my boyfriend that the guy had been blatantly checking me out.

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