•𝗗𝗿𝗶𝗻𝗸𝘀 𝗔𝗻𝗱 𝗨𝗻𝘀𝗽𝗼𝗸𝗲𝗻 𝗪𝗼𝗿𝗱𝘀•

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Nikki's POV, 1st March 2008

So, I was taking Tommy for coffee... it wasn't my idea, it had been Vince's in his scheme to get us to talk, I wasn't going to have asked Tommy if I'm being honest but I felt bad lying to him about what I was doing at the house the other day, I'm still pretty mortified he noticed me but oh well, it happened.

Vince was a very happy bunny when I asked Tommy out, so I couldn't admit to him the reason I asked Tommy out was because I wanted to spend time with him, although we both know that's exactly why, I couldn't take that smugness.

I hadn't spoken to Vince yet, I avoided him like the plague but the smile on the singers face was enough to tell me exactly what he wants to say to me.

After Tommy's smoke break, I quickly ushered Vince into the recording booth so he couldn't say a word and got straight back to work, we worked on finishing the song, just like for the first half of it I went all perfectionistic on Vinnie this time mostly just to get back at him for being so insufferably smug. 

We spent the next couple of hours finishing the vocals for 'White Trash Circus', it sounded good, it had a kick ass guitar riff from Mick, it needed a tiny bit of tweaking and the backing vocals need to be put down but apart from that it's finished.

After all the vocals had been done we called it a day as it had taken a lot longer than expected, that was kind of my fault, oops... but nevermind, we could have probably started work on finishing the next song but I was too eager to get out of here and spend some time with Tommy.

Mick was the first person to leave, then closely followed by Vince. Tommy came over to me and grinned "Yo"

"Yo" I return "Go wait by my car I'll be out in a minute"

Tommy nodded and gave me a mini salute before leaving too, I sighed and tidied up a little, placing Mick and I's guitars back in the cases and placing them under the couch in the room not being bothered to take them home seems as we're back in here tomorrow anyways.

I then tidied up some loose sheets of paper and threw away some empty water bottles before heading out of the studio myself, when I reached the outside though and was about to make my way over to Tommy I heard someone behind me clear their throat, I span around and met the brown eyes of Vince Neil.

"So, you're actually taking him on a coffee date?" Vince smiled.

"Fuck off, Vince- it's not a date... it was your idea, and anyway I need to run a song past him"

"You agreed because you wanted to spend time with him, 'run a song past him' my ass- in that case why can't you run the song past Mick and I, too? Incase you've forgotten, we're in your band too"

"I know. If you wanna stay in the band then I'd advise you shut up"

Vin laughed and looked at me, his eyes sparkling a little "You've fired me once, I don't think you have the heart to do it twice"

"Wanna put that to the test, Blondie?"

"Sure... but if you do then don't think I'll come back next time, I'll let you crash and burn" he teased.

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