•𝗦𝗼𝗿𝘁𝗶𝗻𝗴 𝗢𝘂𝘁•

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Tommy's POV, 14th March 2008

Today was the day Nikki and I were going to my parents house and telling them we're back together, I put the idea to Nikki once we got back from the studio the other day and he was up for telling them, but I could see he was slightly nervous in case they held what he did against him as he hasn't actually seen my parents since we were together last, but he had nothing to worry about.

Saying that didn't give Nikki as much assurance as I'd have hoped but it was a start, I knew it'd be fine and Nikki wouldn't be Nikki if he didn't worry over stuff like that.

It was around the middle of the afternoon at that current time and we were just leaving the house, I was waiting for Nikki to put on a jacket, it always took him at least fifteen minutes because he'd put one on, look himself over in the mirror decide he doesn't like it and change it for another one and nine times out of ten he'll pick the same jacket he wears all the time so the entire process is pointless.

Literally nothing about Nikki has changed, he's still exactly the same as he was years ago, it was comforting to me, knowing he was exactly the same.

And if you're wondering why his jackets are here, it's because we went over to his place yesterday and started to move all his clothes back over here, yeah, we were moving back in together and I know that might sound a little sudden but it's really not, we were together for years it's not like we're strangers, this house is still ours, it's still got both mine and Nikki's names on the deeds.

So, I was waiting around for the bassist for a couple more minutes until I heard the distant sound of footsteps from upstairs coming out of the bedroom and towards the staircase, as I heard this my eyes moved to the top of the stairs where I waited for Nikki to appear so I could see what jacket he had chosen.

When he did finally appear in my field of vision i instantly checked the jacket to see that yep, he was in the same jacket as always. Of course, he was, I smiled at Nikki as he walked down the stairs and I gesture to the jacket "Was it worth the fifteen minutes you spent picking that out? What's even the point, you always wear that jacket anyway"

"Not every time" Nikki says as he quickly made his way downstairs "I do it incase I think another jacket goes better with my outfit, and none of them did so I put this one on, it's my favourite don't discriminate me for that" he teased as he walked past me to the door "Are you driving?"

"If you want me too, sure"

"It's better if you do it, you know the way better than me I think I've forgotten which route we need to take"

I nodded knowing that he had a good point, so I collected my car keys and we headed out the door, locking it behind me and then set off towards my car- I got in first, then Nikki got in after.

Once we were both in and we had our safety belts on, I put the keys in the ignition and started up the car, getting out of the driveway and hitting the highway- the roads were surprisingly empty for this time of afternoon, not that I was complaining of course.

When we'd been on the road about five minutes I heard Nik speak up from where he was sat "How'd you think your mom will react when she sees us together?" He questions glancing over at me from where he'd been previously looking out the window.

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